~CHAPTER FOUR~ -Back Again!-

Start from the beginning

"Pleeeeaaaasssseee" I pleaded again now with a teary-eyed puppy eyes

"But-" again I cut him off (Hey . . . I can't help it)

"Ah!" I screamed as I feel water rising on my feet.

"C'mon" He said and pulled my arm and we ran. . . But to where? (Hmmmm. . .)

"Uh. . . Where are we going?" I asked him while running. The water reaches my ankles at this point.

"Anywhere except here so we won't drown in the water. . . Silly" He called me silly?! Wait till I punch his face and we'll see whose silly!

He brought me to the food stalls where my mom and dad ate the foods for the spirits (and of course they got turned into pigs)

"Eew, is that a human? . . . She reeks!" said a female snake-like spirit (I knew she's a female cause of her voice . . . okay?)

I quickly scurried behind 'him' and hid myself from the scary spirit cause of her very long fangs

"Don't worry maybe she stinks but she doesn't do harm. . . And maybe after three days of eating our food her smell will go away." he defended

"Good luck with that puny human. . ." then the slithery snake left.

"Don't worry 'PUNY HUMAN' I'm here" He said then he chuckled . . . What? . . . What did he just called me? . . . PUNY?!!!???!!?????!!!!!!!!

"What did you just called me???!!!?!!" I shouted furiously and again he laughed but louder this time. I tried to punch him but my fist just passed through him. . . Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! I'm disappearing again and Haku's not here to give me food so I won't disappear. What should I do??!!

"C'mon follow me 'PUNY HUMAN' . . ." Then he snickered. . . Could he stop on calling me puny. . . 'Cause I'm not PUNY!!!! . . .I admit . . . I'm just a little flat on my chest thats all . . . BUT I'M NOT PUNY!!!!!

He walked to a stall to get some food and I followed him while panicing. . .

He talked to the spirit in the stall and ordered some food (I really didn't hear anything in their conversation cause all I can hear is my heart pounding)

"Hey, Chihiro eat this." He said while handing me a chicken like food. I quickly took it and ate it. After eating it I quickly turned to normal

"Wow" I said after eating the 'food' that he gave me. It was really delicious no wonder mom and dad kept on eating no matter what.

"Um. . . I'm not going to turn to a pig, am I?" I asked him nervously. (Oh no what if I turned into a pig? I'll never see my friends again or even mom and dad! No, no, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!)

"Relax you won't be turned into a pig cause-" He didn't finish his sentence cause the spirit in the stall called him.

"Um. . . Mister I believe you haven't yet payed for that." 'It' said professionally and 'he' quickly turned to him and opend his hand infront of the spirit.

"Here" he said (Umm. . . Wait a minute there's nothing in his hand. . . right?)

"Um. . . sir there's nothing in your hand" said the spirit. (Obiviously his confused)

"Huh . . . Then look again" He said confidently. Then the most extraordinary thing happened. . . Suddenly gold came out of his hand! (He makes gold?!)

"Here you go." He said handing the gold to the spirit. Then he turned to me. "C'mon Chihiro let's go." after he said that he pulled me up and we walked again to . . . somewhere?

"Thank you very much, sir! Come back again!" I heard the spirit shout but we just kept on walking.

While walking I questioned myself on how did he knew my name. . . 'cause I haven't said it to him yet. . .

"Um . . . may I ask you a question?" I asked him and he quickly looked at me.

"Well of course, Chihiro." he said while smiling

"How did you knew my name?" I asked him akwardly

"Cause we already met." he said simply.


"Seven years ago . . ." he said

"Haku? . . ." I asked (Cause maybe it's him just disguising)

"No! I'm more handsome than him you know . . . think again." (Your wrong! Haku's more handsome than you! You're not even more hondsome than his feet!)

"Just tell me! Who you are!" I screamed (obviously annoyed) and he snickered

"Remember when it was raining on the bath house and I was outside and you let me in? . . . and by the way my name is Kaonashi." he said

"Huh . . . My friend no face has the same name too . . . . Uh! Wait a minute are you . . . No face?!" (Oh my gosh! I should have known from the gold trick!)

"Call me Kaonashi when I'm in my human form. . . Okay?"

"No face!" I screamed and hugged him (Oh I can't believe it was him)

Kaonashi broke our embrace and smiled at me. I felt so happy that I didn't realized I was crying.

"Enough of drama and let's go." He said as he wiped my tears with his thumb.

After that we walked again and Kaonashi brought me to . . . .

"The bath house!" I scremed as I saw the building ahead of us.

"I'm backed at the bath house!" I screamed again and ran ahead of Kaonashi who just chuckled at my childishness.

"I can't believe it! I'm back! Wuhu!"

"I'm back again!"


Author's Note:

Hi Guys! Sorry for the late update. Busy na kasi eh -_____- You know . . . My greatest enemy is coming . . . SCHOOL (joke) 

But still I'll try to update sooner ^___________^

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