The brunet, having been left beside the now spaced out girl, reached out and touched her shoulder, "You okay?"

Lizzie nodded, pulling herself out of her train of thoughts, "Yeah, uh, where was I?... Right, the party" She cleared her throat, a smile decorating her lips, "Since I'm hosting the party, which is going to be at the old abandoned mill in the woods, I was wondering if you wanted to come as my date?"

Adrian hesitated for a moment. He didn't want to come off as rude but he wasn't going to be anyone's date tomorrow or for the next year, "Look, Lizzie—"

"The school year has just begun and you've already found someone to torture?"

The boy couldn't help but smile to himself. He may have only known her for a few days but he would recognize that voice anywhere— Hope was there. She wasn't keen on being friends with him but she seemed to be the only one apart from Doctor Saltzman who knew what Adrian had been through. And she couldn't have had better timing.

The siphoner looked up to find the auburnette standing in front of her. She sighed, "Please leave. We don't need your negativity, Mikaelson. Adrian and I were having a nice conversation that we'd like to get back to so shoo"

Hope glanced over at the silent wolf for a moment. She crossed her arms and turned back to the pale-skinned girl, "Actually, Lizzie, you're in my seat"

The blonde rolled her eyes, "Can't you, like, go somewhere else?"

The tribrid scoffed, "You're not even in this class"

Lizzie narrowed her eyes at the shorter girl who seemed to be close enough to Adrian to want to interact with him and not shut him out, like she does everyone else. The Saltzman girl released a defeated sigh before she got up and left the geometry classroom to follow her own schedule.

With the pale blonde gone, there was nothing but semi peace within the Aquilo boy as he leaned back in his chair. Hope sat down on the now available chair, "You're welcome"

Adrian glanced at the girl for a second, "So, she's a bit... intense"

The tribrid nodded, her arms folded over her chest, "It's Lizzie"

The male wolf chuckled, "Yeah, she said that but what's with her? What's her deal?"

"Like I said, it's Lizzie"

Students chattering, silverware clattering, and the smell of food everywhere— this was the Grand Hall, a dining hall that looked to be inspired by the fictional Hogwarts' dining hall where the Salvatore students met at least three times a day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

The Aquilo boy looked around the Hall as he searched for an available seat, a tray of food in his hands. He noticed Hope sitting on her own at a table in the corner and immediately found himself walking towards her. They hadn't spoken since she saved him from Lizzie Saltzman the day before.

The Mikaelson girl seemed to have noticed the wolf walking towards her table because she gathered her things on her tray to make room for another person to join her, she didn't seem to mind Adrian joining her but someone else did. The tray was suddenly ripped out of the brunet's hands, he turned around to face the culprit and found two girls standing in front of him: Lizzie and a pretty brown-eyed brunette who shared some features with the blonde.

The wolf furrowed his eyebrow, confused as to why they approached him, "Can I help you?"

"No, but we can help you" The brown-eyed female smiled, "I'm Josie, Lizzie's twin"

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