Anhad like a very caring partner came to check the washroom, there was no one there. Disha too could not believe her eyes the heinous creature had vanished into thin air.

Anhad told Disha that she was probably too tired from the days' ordeal and the fact that she was seeing things out of pure stress. Disha too agreed with Anhad's judgment and the Duo decided to go to sleep.

Disha tried her best to sleep but could not. The image of the horrifying face kept her awake. She was concentrating on the thin streak of moonlight, which was filtering in through the French windows of their room. The window opened into the garden outside for which Disha had herself selected the botanical specimens.

Disha felt her vertigo moment once again, for a few minutes she could see nothing and the moment everything became clear, Disha's heart froze in fear and her breathing became slow and she felt as if her hear was about to fail. Her eyes became big and strained and her voice was stuck in her throat.

Right in front of her, near the foot of the bed, in the fading moonlight, Disha saw the heinous white creature gaping at her once again with his socket less eyes and his open mouth; His frail body was as usual rooted to its spot, neither did it move nor did it make a noise it just stood their looking heinous...dead and scary.

Disha's soul had retracted back for a while and she too had become still with fear. Slowly...blood rushed to all the parts of her body and the adrenaline rush made her give out a blood-curling scream...


Anhad woke up with a start and turned on the table lamp near the bed.

Disha was sitting up on the bed rocking violently and screaming at the top of her voice.

Anhad hugged her tight and tried to comfort her, but she was trembling, like a twig in a winter storm.

Finally to give situations a little bit of perspective, Anhad decided to tie a cloth around Disha's eyes. That way, she would not be able to see anything around her. He also promised her that he would hold her throughout the night so that she is rest assured that she is in safe hands.

The plan was executed flawlessly and as assumed it had the desired effects too. Disha slept soundlessly through the night holding Anhad's hand close to her chest at all times.

The warm touch of the morning sunray's made Disha open her eyes. For her it was still dark as the cloth was tied tightly around her eyes. She was still holding onto Anhad's hand. She turned around to face him. She wanted to forget the night as if it had been a bad dream.

She wanted to get rid of the cloth to wake up the man she loved with a good morning kiss.

Disha slowly removed the cloth and waited for her eyes to get adjusted to the light. As her eyes slowly focused themselves on Anhad instead of twinkling with joy they dilated in fear.

The creature was standing there, even closer this time. It hand one hand on Anhad's head and the other on his waist. It had bent over to look straight into Disha's eyes.

Disha's throat grew dry. She began gulping vigorously and each dry gulp injured her throat and made her cough. Anhad was sleeping like a baby unaware that something was actually bending over him.

Disha curled up in corner of the bed in fear. The creature like before did not even try to come close. It just stood rooted... staring.

Disha once again let out a scream, waking Anhad with a start.

Anhad was worried about her condition. He had planned to take her to a psychiatrist that very day. Disha too had agreed as she felt she seriously needed some professional help. The Duo decided to get ready immediately and leave for the doctor's clinic

Anhad was getting ready in the bedroom where-as Disha was applying make up in the washroom. She once again had a vertigo moment...

Like always, the creature was there behind her staring...

Disha had tears rolling down her eyes. Her mental condition had gone from bad to worse. She slowly moved her hands into her vanity box keeping her gaze in the mirror. She held one charcoal pencil tightly in either hand and then with a sudden reaction she lobbed both the pencils into her eyes with great force.

The blood from her eyes splattered onto the mirror and into the basin. She had lobbed the pencils so hard that hey had actually damaged part of her brain too.

Her body fell on the floor with a Thud. By the time Anhad reached the washroom, she was already dead...

After this incident, I did some in-depth research into roman and Greek demons and in either text I saw the mention of the demon of sight.

The demon haunts whoever uses' his eyes to see something bad or do something bad, it haunts the victim till either the victim kills himself/herself or till the victim goes insane.

I was in a way sad and content, that Disha had chosen the easier way out. If she had not done so; the demon would have driven her mad eventually. She would have seen it for an entire lifetime till she died either of madness or Trauma.

A gentle reminder, to all beautiful girls out there, never wink at a guy without the intention of loving him.

And a gentle reminder to all the boys, never gauge at a girl with dirt in your mind.

For all you know, you might be the next target of the demon of sight...

It won't be really nice to have an oval eye-less and mouth-less face looking at you for an entire lifetime...... or would it be?

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