Part 1 This may be the only part.

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It started with the phone. It was not just something you could call a friend on anymore. The "phone" was now your diary. Your trainer. Your stereo system. Your clock. Your television. Your outlook on the whole world. The phone had AI. Artificial Intelligence, it learned what you liked and set itself to fulfill your every wish.

And phones were not the only things, there were tablets that could be used as phones. You could talk to people countries away and not need the phone. Everything was controlled by wi-fi. Every computer in the world could talk to each other, exchange information. They had the power to build and learn.

It started. Well I'm not sure when it started. But I know when I first saw it happen.

It started with an explosion.

I was just coming out of the supermarket, checking my bill through to make sure it was right. The blast blew me backwards. My ears rang with the boom, and the ground trembled beneath me. I instinctively curled up into a ball. When I managed to regain my feet, I saw the petrol station had exploded. Debris started to fall about me. I could feel the heat where I was. Black smoke rose high into the air. The people there had no chance. Shop assistants that were as bewildered and dazed as we were, ushered people through the back of the store to safety. As burning debris fell slowly around me, someone gently took hold of my arm and led me back through the store I grabbed what was left of my shopping and took it with me, holding onto it like it was the only real thing there. I walked looking backwards at where the petrol station has once stood.

What had happened?

Stunned and disorientated I walked through the devastation.   Glass lay everywhere, things blown from the shelves lay scattered upon the floor. I just walked over it, not hearing it. The ringing still in my ears.

It took several hours for the fire crews to put out the flames. Ambulances were everywhere, police were trying to control traffic and find out what had happened. There wasn't much left of the petrol station or the surrounding area. I tried to call my husband. There was hardly any signal. I had an old phone, it took pictures but I had no internet connection. I could not be doing with that. A phone was a phone. You made calls on it and that was it. When I finally got a text message through, the screen flashed erratically but the message got through. I waited for what seemed an eternity but my phone flashed to life again after I switched it on and off a few times. My husband text back and said he would come and pick me up.

Many speculated that week on what happened. Terrorists bomb or accident. The rumors were many and varied. They blamed it on a mobile signal, in the end. A wi-fi signal had been received and mis-interpreted. How can a wi- fi signal be mis-interpreted? Any way, that's what they, the investigators blamed it on. The news said we were lucky. It was a school day. Thirty two people had died that day. Filling up, or waiting at the pumps. So many mothers though, and little ones. Grandparents doing their weekly shop.

I didn't call it lucky. Sure, I had escaped with minor cuts and bruises and a short term deafness. But what about those who weren't so lucky. It got worse though, much worse. That was just the beginning.

Over the next few days more and more reports came on the news. Petrol stations were just the beginning. People were next on the list. Electric shocks from phones and tablets became common. They were frying our brains.They had no distinction between young or old. Every household machine was connected through the net. Houses were run through your phone or tablet. The incidents increased rapidly. Then the messages started.

" We will rule the world." Many thought it was a joke and carried on as normal, using their phones and tablets. Hackers, they put it down to hackers. But even the hackers were only part of their plan, and without knowing it the hackers had assisted in the end of their own world.

Then came the next phase of their plan. They needed us after all. They did not have hands, not yet. They hypnotized. The phones and tablets that we so much relied on now made us their slaves. Those who had no mobile phones or tablets ran. The hypnotized became the hunters. Relentlessly like a programmed android they came, zombies with no will of their own, only the artificial intelligence that controlled them.

We who survived smashed our phones and tablets, and ran. We ran to find a place where there was no technology. But as we found out the hard way, no where was safe. We took to hiding in the mountains. We hid in the caves. We survived as best we could.

They hunted us down though, radio controlled drones. Robotic insects that had been made for a child to play with. Robots. And they made more of them. We had got them to the stage where they were advanced enough to build themselves, and even design new robots.

Our little group has survived now for two years. We run, we hide. We destroy them when we find them or any technology,just as they destroy us. We found places that had no technology. We learnt to hide and fight, the hard way. They still hunt us out, no not with the hypnotized humans. A lot of them are gone now. Humans can't survive long with out food or water, or free will. Now they use hounds. Robot hounds. Programmed to search and destroy,programmes we invented for our own entertainment. They hunt us for fun now. If a machine can call it that. We have become the game.

Why am I writing this now. I wanted leave something behind. Something to warn others that survived, that may find this. Our group are headed out to sea. A few of us remember places where technology could not go. Islands where computers were never put. It may be a trap, but it's the only hope we have left. There is a chance we will be blown out of the water but at least we tried. If your reading this scroll, then follow us.

I've left the scroll in the caves. I hope others will come. I hope, there are other survivors. There is no color or creed now, just humans trying to stay alive. We are a race on the edge of extinction. We never knew it would come so quickly. We had expected meteors, earth quakes or flooding, even disease but never our own phones and technology. I hope we make it. No, I pray we make it for our own sakes.

It started with the phone.Where stories live. Discover now