Chapter 3- Barry Allen

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Clears were heard through the com link Barry's ear as he listened to the by that was in the hideout.

"I found another exit." A woman who he remembered had red hair said

"I got a security system here." Another voice that was the blond with the shield had said to his teammates.

"So the kid sees us in his security system and bolts. That means we're too late." The voice that was the archer said

"This lab is quite impressive given the time he had and the resources." A voice that he hasn't hear and was male said, most likely the human version of the hulk.

Barry left it at that and ran again, it was pretty much nighttime and he wanted to help New York, maybe gain some of the trust of the Avengers by taking down some of the criminals in New York.

Than maybe they could help him get home. Not only that but they seemed like the type to like a challenge and stabilizing a portal to another dimension seems like a difficult task that requires lots of help.

So that night Barry ran all around New York and dropped off criminals at the police station with plastic handcuffs on them along with their merchandise and where to find lairs or labs.

He dodged the Avengers two other times, mostly on accident, but it was when he finally stopped as he was on a building that the Avengers caught up with him.

"We just want to talk." The one who Barry remembered was Iron Man said

Barry just nodded while taking a protein bar out of one of his suits pockets and chewed on it as he noticed he was low on energy.

"Can you come back to the Avengers Tower and we can talk there?" The man asked

"Sure, lead the way, I'll be right behind you on the ground."

Iron Man took that as the permission to turn around and fly off but kept an eye on our Scarlet Speedster.

It was no time at all when they arrived at the tower, Barry deciding to actually take the elevator instead of running up the side of the building.

"Barry you sure this a good idea?" Cisco asked from his com link.

"What other choice, either they keep haunting me and then they find our earth. Or they can help us and we can help them. This way no fighting is involved." Barry said

"He's right." Dr.Stein said, "if he doesn't make peace with that earth's heroes by the time he gets back over here we may have another problem that includes 7 people, or how many they actually have."

"I still don't like it." Caitlin said

"Well if you have another plan I would be glad to hear it but right now I'm in the elevator." Barry said

There was nothing on the other side of the link and Barry sighed frustrated, "I'll be home soon guys in the meantime how are the Metahumans doing?" Barry asked worried.

"Well, so far the Rogues haven't done anything since Jefferson and Stein went after them when they broke into a bank. There were a few calls but nothing major you need to worry about." caitlin said

"Ok, keep me updated on your guys progress." Barry said

"Will do." Cisco said and then there was nothing.

After a bit a voice overhead asked, "Would you like anything at all when we get up to the floor, my scans say that you are malnourished sir."

Barry instantly knew it was a Artificial Intelligence and smiled, "I will get something later, what's your name?"

"Jarvis, it stand for Just A Rather Very Intelligent System sir." The robotic butler said

"Well thank you for your concern Jarvis but I am alright." Barry said with a smile.

"No problem sir." Jarvis said just as the elevator doors opened to reveal a nicely furnished area along with a glass window just above a sort of upper bit.

"Nice place." Barry said as he looked around

"I try." A man's voice that Barry haven't heard of before and as he looked over he saw that it was Tony Stark or the man that controls the Iron Man system.

"Thank you for coming in. We're sorry about our earlier meeting." Captain America or as Barry read Steve Rogers said

"It's not problem." Barry said as he felt out of his place in this new environment.

"You can take off the mask, we already have and it's not we're going to attack you." To my said rolling his eyes.

After inner debate Barry reached up and pulled off his mask letting it fall behind and hang off the rest of his suit.

Steve frowned for a few seconds noticing how young the kid was but Tony didn't seem to care as he reached out, "Tony Stark."

"Barry Allen." Barry replied shaking Tony's hand, "I think it's time to explain how I got here."

"You got that right Mr.Allen." A new voice said entering the room. The man had a black eyepatch over a eye along with slight scarring around it. He wore a black trench coat and held the stance of a superior.

"Let's start in the beginning." Barry said as the other Avengers entered the room and introduced themselves including Wanda.  

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