Chapter 2- The Base

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"He just was gone, but he left a trail like Pietro did." Clint said after a glance at Wanda to see how she was handling what they just saw.

Fury turned to Wanda, "Was anyone else at that facility with you." he pretty much demanded

"Oh come on Fury give the girl a break." Tony said, "Plus it was a different color trail, this one was red not blue."

"There other ways to most likely develop this power, it doesn't mean the kid got it like Pietro did." Bruce said after cleaning his glasses.

"Well find him." Fury said frowning as he paced inside the Avengers Tower where he only recently arrived, "I don't want another Loki incident, we need to know if he was the one that summoned that portal in the sky or not. Let's not forget about the anomaly it created."

With that Fury walked away with a swipe of his trench coat.

"You ok Wanda?" Steve asked

Wanda nodded mutely still trying to process that someone has the same power as her brother had. Her heart clenched wishing her brother was still alive.

Natasha just put a hand on her shoulder and at Wanda's look just nodded lightly. It was her way of showing her that she was here is she really desperately needed her.

"How do we find man of speed?" Thor asked

"We can run some calculations and from the video Jarvis recorded make a similar sketch and have him look out for it. But I'm mostly going on that he doesn't know the place. Now, Brucey and I will be in our lab. No disturbing us." With that Tony dragged Bruce off toward the general direction of the lab.

"Then come out for dinner and we won't have to drag you out." Steve shouted after them. He was finally being a little less stiffy with the whole 90's talk and the mature. Of course that didn't mean it wasn't gone he was just a little more relaxed, not much just some.

Tony just replied with a wave of his hand dismissing the statement. Steve just sighed and the other Avengers went on their own business leaving the geniuses to work.

On the Other Side of Town

Barry finally found a place that could be a hideout, it actually reminded him of Oliver's sort of layer.

It was an abandoned place with a basement that had another secret exit for some reason. So if he was ever found he could escape quickly through the secret exit.

Of course just because he was on another universe didn't mean he doesn't like helping people. He may have 'borrowed' some items to help him and set his suit up in a container so it was a easy grab.

He had a small science lab down there now similar to the one at the police station but it was also very similar to the one at Star Labs.

There was residue left on his suit when he arrived through the portal and was now looking over it to see if there was a way to stabilize the portal. It was also nice to have the help with his teammates too.

Throwing ideas back and forth but couldn't quite get there he had a computer system in front of him and with help from Cisco setup a firewall that was similar to the one at Star Labs and installed cameras around the place discreetly and fast.

He munched on one of his protien bars as he was reading news articles and things about the history of this earth to get an idea.

A lot of the history was very much the same but there was a different in the 20th century where Captain America was made with a serum called Super Soldier.

Reading about it, it reminded him smaller downsize of his powers, he had stamina, some sort of build that came from it, could run slightly faster than a normal person, and so forth.

But when he got to a picture and article about the return of Captain America Barry was curious and later discovered what the Avengers were.

How months ago there was an invasion of aliens led by an Asgardian called Loki who was actually Thor Odinson brother who was actually on the other team.

The Avengers team themselves are made up of individuals called, Iron Man, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Hulk, which Barry noticed wasn't at his welcoming of this earth, Thor, Captain America, and Scarlet Witch.

Black Widow reminded him of Laura or Black Canary, while Hawkeye reminded him of Oliver or Green Arrow. Iron Man reminds him of Ray Palmer or ATOM. Hulk reminded him of his old high school friend Tony Woodward or after the particle accelerator he could turn his whole body into metal, his nickname was the Girder.

Sipping some soda Barry leaned back into his seat smiling lightly as Cisco was telling another joke. He already missed them and then a thought his him, "I am so going to be fired from my actual job."

"Relax, Joe covered for you saying that you were visiting Oliver in Starling, he called to make sure and Oliver being Oliver told the lie than directly called us to know what the hell was going o. He's actually going to be here in a few days just because, even when we told him he didn't have to Felicity is also coming too." Caitlin said.

Barry let out a breath of relief, "So Joe and Iris know what's happening?" Barry asked

"You bet we do and I'm making sure they are doing everything they can do get you home Bear." Joe's voice said over the line making Barry relax.

"Thanks Joe." Barry said but then one of his monitors beeped and while looking at it saw that the Avengers, including the Hulk, were here.

Grabbing his suit he speed out of the secret escape route while waiting a bit away until they were gone as he listened to a bug that he planted earlier.

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