A Unicorn Named Mary Sue

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There was once a fairy who lived in a forest filled with creatures of every sort,
There were bears and tigers, monkeys and giraffes and even a gobblesnort.
The most magnificent by far, was a unicorn who was named Mary Sue,
She was loved by almost all of the others and best friends with the fairy to.

But the gobblesnort didn't like Mary Sue, in fact he didn't like anyone.
He was mean and nasty, fierce and a bully and always terribly glum.
No one knew what his problem was, no one except the unicorn,
The gobblesnort had always wanted to steal her beautiful horn.

Day after day, week after week, month after month for years,
He tried to find ways to steal from her the thing she held most dear.
He didn't care what got in his way or who he might hurt,
And then one day he had a plan, one that he knew would work.

He waited til night and crept to her home, sneaking like a cat,
When he got close he fell to the floor and crawled along the ground very flat.
Little did he know that the fairy had seen him on her evening walk,
She flew as fast as she could to warn Mary Sue, they had to foil him she thought.

The unicorn and the fairy started to plot, as the gobblesnort drew near,
In no time at all they were done and dusted - their plan was totally clear.
Just as the gobblesnort got to her home, the unicorn let out a cry,
And dashed out with the fairy onboard - but they were more than met the eye.

For the fairy had cast a spell on them both, and they were really quite a sight,
The gobblesnort saw a fearsome monster, at least three time his height.
He turned and ran as fast as he could, until the monster was no longer in view.
And so the gobblesort went into hiding, from a unicorn named Mary Sue.  

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