Chapter Two

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I watched Mike as he made his way to his third hour class, trying to make sure that no one would mess with him. I highly doubted that would happen though, considering his size. I was just being the worried older brother.

Now, considering my size, I stayed close to Austin all hour. No one really bothered me, except for the inevitable question; was I really a senior/eighteen?

…damn my height.

I stayed quiet the whole time, only speaking when spoken to. I was extremely shy, and I didn’t want to say something that would fuck up my life…again.

Third hour passed kind of fast, and it was time for lunch-which I was thankful for. I mean, I was starving. And if I was, then Mike was probably on the verge of death from starvation.

I followed Austin and some of his friend to the lunch room, keeping an eye out for Mike. I didn’t even have to worry about him in the friend department, but just in case…

I didn’t grab any food just yet, wanting to wait for Mike. A few moments after I sat down, Mike arrived, trailing a very happy boy.

“Hey Vic,” he said. “Wanna go get some food?”

Before I could answer, the boy broke in. “I don’t want to seem mean, but you’re older than him?” he asked in disbelief. I groaned, looking into his blue-green eyes.

Yes! Is that so hard to understand? What is it about me that makes it questionable?” I exploded. The people-including my brother and the boy-stared at me. “Well?!?”

“You’re just really small,” the boy said quietly. “Sorry.”

“You’re way too quiet and innocent,” the guy named Oli said, shrugging.

“And you’re so skinny! Dude, do you even eat?” Alan from my second hour class questioned.

“Okay, so I’m skinny, small, innocent, and quiet. I’ll work on that,” I answered, getting up and stalking to the bathroom.

I take back what I said about this school earlier. It was just as bad as the other.

Kellin POV

I watched as Vic walked of the cafeteria and into the bathrooms. “Well he overreacted a bit,” Oli muttered.

Mike glared at him. “You have no idea what you’re talking about. He takes criticism hard; he was bullied. Why do you think we transferred?

Oli looked apologetic, and I couldn’t help but feel guilty-I mean, it was technically my fault. If I hadn’t asked that stupid question, he wouldn’t have gotten so angry.

“I’ll go find him,” I told Mike, who was still pissed. He nodded, sitting down and putting his head in his hands.

“Fucking great,” I heard him mutter as I walked away.

I jogged to the bathrooms, opening the door. I spotted him sitting on the floor, his knees pulled up and his face in his hands. I entered quietly, closing the door and locking it.

“Hey,” I said softly, sitting next to him. He jumped, looking up and rubbing his eyes even though he wasn’t crying.

“Hey,” he whispered, running a hand through his chocolate brown hair. “Look, I’m so-“

“No, don’t apologize,” I interrupted, looking into his sad mocha eyes. What I wouldn’t give to make them happy…

“I should, though,” he mumbled. “I was being a dick and-“

“Stop,” I said quietly. “It’s my fault, okay? I didn’t even tell you my name or anything-which is Kellin, by the way.”

He smiled a little. “Hi. I’m Vic,” he murmured, holding out his hand. I smiled back and shook it.

“I know, Mike told me all about you,” I smiled, then got a little serious. “Can you tell me what happened at your old school?” I questioned softly.

He bit his lip, seeming embarrassed. “Maybe when I know you better. But right now, I could go for about three pieces of pizza.”

As if to prove his point, his stomach growled. I chuckled, holding out my hand and helping him up.

“Then let’s go eat.”

Mike looked relieved to see Vic, but left him alone as he devoured his pizza. In fact, everyone did.

I really hoped he’d let me get to know him more, because he was.. intriguing. Different. And I really liked that.  

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