Sad, depressed?

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Be happy. Don't be sad. I KNOW IT'S HARD. But soon it'll be rad. (A rhyme before rhymes)

Before taking any decisions/actions please take a minute to THINK. About your loved ones, about Yourself.


To everyone sad out there,
Go out and get some air.
Do not live your life in despair

You are not the only one surrounded by unhappiness.
Your mother, your friend all have been through darkness.

I wonder whether you ever smile
I wonder if you ever ran a mile

Don't waste you time weeping,
About things that don't seem to be seeping.

Laugh as much as you can,
Maybe at the end of the day you'll have an awesome fan.

Even if you feel it's worthless to appeal,
Do it.
It will make you be seen

Do not try self harm
It's not a joke
Suicide's not poetic
Depression is not fun

Try and be happy
It'll make you feel better, a ton.

Crying over the same over and over,
Is not going to help you whatsoever.

Please do not try any stupid things that will affect not only you but others. You are not worthless.

It's not only you who goes through hard times or sadness. Everyone does. It is just that everyone doesn't know what everyone else goes through difficulties. Confusing.

Remember: I love you.

Story time:
There was this girl, Neha, who self harmed, and always remained sad and depressed. Neha was never ever ever ever in a cheery mood. In addition, she behaved in a certain way that made everyone feel negative about themselves, especially her juniors. No sooner, people started having really bad views about her because of the crude attitude she displayed to all around her. Rumors started to get out and things just turned even worse. She never realized it was her sadness and anger that caused people to react to he in the way they did. Only if Neha tried to be happier and jolly, not so many people would have wrong ideas about her. Not that people's opinions mattered to Neha, but only the fact that those were opinions based on wrong information about Neha.

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