So we went to my car and drove to a Hardware Store. I parked my car and hop out of the car.

"So, what color do you want, Louis?" I asked while playing with the car keys.

"Ermmm, something like a Lemongrass color and Blue" Louis said. So we went to the paints and start looking for that color.

"I found it!!!" Niall said shouting, really loud.

"Shhh no need to be loud, people might recognize us" I said.

"Okay" Niall said with a cute face,  then we took the paint and get some brushes and then we went to the cashier.

"Niall, as for that... We're going to Nandos for lunch" I said

"Yeyyyy!!!!!" Niall said jumping in joy like a kid. So we pay for the paint.

"You guy look like One Direction" the cashier said.

"We get that alot" Zayn said then we drove back home.

Good thing nobody notice who we are, but the cashier almost Phew. Then we reached home, we got up to the Guest room and started cleaning it a little.

"Paint the walls Lemongrass, Peasants!!!" Louis said shouting. 

"Let's play some games while we paint!!" Zayn said opening the can of paints.

"What do you want to play?" Louis said getting the brushes. Zayn suddenly get 1 brush and started singing.

"Guess who I am!!" Zayn said while painting "Don't wanna break your heart, Gonna give your heart a break!" Zayn sang.

"Hmmmp? Demi Lovato?" Niall said

"Yup" Zayn said laughing.

"Okay Zayn stop it, Let's just paint now" Niall said while getting a brush and started painting.

Harry's POV

We clean all the mess we made, cause we're done playing. The kids we're sweeping the ground while I was taking care of the dishes. Few minutes later we're done cleaning, I went to the girl.

"So, I gotta go now...Nice playing with you though" I said. I wave goodbye at them and they waved back. I was walking at the sidewalk heading back home.

Wait...Ughhh!! I forgot to ask her name! Stupid me!!. I wish someday we can meet again, I just continued walking home. Thena few minutes, finally I reached home.

"I'm Home!!" I shouted seeing nobody in the living room then finally I saw Louis walking to me with paint all over him.

"Harold!!!" Louis said trying to hug me but I dodge.

"Woah, not now Louis. Why are there some paint in your clothes?" I asked putting down my jacket.

"Oh, we're painting the guest room, come join us!" Louis said pulling me. I saw them all painting.

"Where have you been Harry?" Zayn asked.

"Emmm, Long Story" I said, I just get 1 brush and started to help them painting.

And then Hours later we are finishedm

"Finally!! finished at last!! now we have to wait to let it dry" Liam said

"Hey Liam!! We have to go to Nandos now!!" Niall said pouting

"Oh, I forgot. How about we change clothes first?" Liam said putting down the brushes at the newspapers.

"Okay!!" Niall said

We all changed our clothes, I was the first one to change so I went downstairs to get my jacket. Then the boys came downstairs too in time.

"Yey!! we're going to Nandos!! Niall said jumping around like a kid." we drove to Nandos in Liam's Car.

We reached Nandos, Liam parked the car and all of us got out of the vehicle. We went inside and went to our table while I call the waiter. But I was wrong it was a waitress

"What can I get you gentlemen?" the waitress said.

"I will have the Potato with hommus-his starter Double Breasted Chicken wrap, medium spice with peri chips A medium corn on the cob 5 Chicken Wings-hot and…any drink" Niall said

"Isn't that a little too much?" I asked.

"It's too much, I never knew. It's kinda normal to me" Niall said, Of course it's normal to him.

Cause he's a wild eater . Then the rest of us ordered too. Then finally our food had arrived, we all eat peacefully, while Niall, was eating like he had never ate for the past 2 years or something, but it's kinda normal for us to see it. It's kinda fun watching him eat.

Then after, we all drove home. I went to my room to take a 3 hours nap, the play really made me tired. I really wish I could meet that girl again, cause I'm so stupid!! We were playing like 2 hours and I'm just there playing like an idiot and not knowing her name . So I just forget about it and go to sleep.

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