Chapter 30 - So Long & Goodnight

Start from the beginning

"What happened to them?" I asked, unsure whether I wanted to know the answer or not. A look of hurt crossed Val's face briefly before he bit the inside of his mouth.

"They were captured by BL/I recently. About a week ago now, I went out to get supplies and when I came back, the only evidence they had been captured were some dead drac corpses surrounding this campsite." Val Velocity explained, his teeth gritted and expression far too stern.

"Sorry to hear about your group." Party nodded his head towards Val who shrugged. "No big deal, I'm planning to bust them out soon anyway."

Val Velocity began starting a fire in the pit while the three of us stayed quiet as the fire slowly began coming to life. I wondered how many people like me were left out here in the desert. If the twins who stayed with Val Velocity were captured and so was Atomic Bomb, one other must be located somewhere amongst the zones.

"So how many of us are still out here in the desert?"

Val Velocity swallowed hard before answering, looking up form the fire warily. "It's just you and I, Spark." My face fell for the umpteenth time today.

"What about the others? Shouldn't there be another one out here somewhere?"

Val shook his head before answering. "You're referring to Jester Shot. Nah, he got captured almost a year and a half ago, I've heard a rumour the BL/I has driven him crazy."

"Oh." I said quietly.

The sun was well set at this time; the small stars twinkled delicately in the dark desert sky. The moon was on full show tonight also, making me forget briefly on all the events that had happened through out today.

For the remainder of the night Val Velocity and Party Poison kept a polite conversation going, with me speaking here and there. I was in a state where I didn't feel like talking, my mind had racing all through the night.

Under different circumstances I could easily see Val Velocity and Party Poison becoming good friends, or allies at least. For the next few hours they talked excitedly about their similar interests such as music and comics. I wasn't really paying attention, my gaze was directed into the bright fire keeping us three from dying of hypothermia.

"I'm gonna' kill the lights." Val Velocity rubbed his eyes before standing up. Val grabbed two of the vacant BL/I body bags, throwing them over the fire to Party and I.

"There, that'll keep the cold away for the night."

"Thanks Val." I replied with a smile, unlacing my boots along with Party and Val, setting them aside for the night.

Val Velocity put out the fire, causing darkness to wash over all three of us. I slipped into the body bag and turned my ray guns onto the safety setting, placing them near my head just in case.

Turning over to fall asleep for the night, I gasped slightly when I felt arms collide with my waist. "Hey sunshine." Party Poison whispered causing me to relax almost instantly.

"Hey Party." I whispered, not wanting to annoy Val Velocity.

"You doing alright?" Party Poison asked quietly, wrapping his arms around my torso causing butterflies to erupt in the pit of my stomach.

"I've been better. But I've also been extremely worse."

"It'll be okay sunshine. Just rest up and we'll figure all this out tomorrow." Party whispered, placing a gentle kiss on my cheek. I couldn't hide the smile that spread across my face, if only this damn killjoy knew the effect he had over me.

"Goodnight Party."

I didn't fall asleep straight away like Party Poison and Val Velocity had. I wasn't sure if it was the cold or the crippling fear inside me that kept me awake, maybe it was both. However, due to this, the point was I couldn't find sleep.

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