Chapter 32

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Klyde's body was being lied on a soft velvet bed. It was too late for them to save her. She can't be healed by Castiel. The only thing they can do that time is just to watch her die. Dean looked at her daughter's lifeless body, crying.

"Why does this thing need to happen to her?" He asked Brooke. "I remember when the very first time I met her. She used to be this kid who knew too much. She's strong. I already felt that we had a connection." Brooke hugged him from his back. "If I could just turn back the time. I will keep her with me and I will tell you about her. I won't hide her from anyone else. We can have this complete, happy family."
"Its not your fault. Its nobody's fault." Dean grabbed her arms.

Klyde walks again on the stairway that she'd been dreamed of before. But this time, it was different. There's no angels at all. The glass stairway doesn't even break on every step she takes. She felt this euphoria within herself and she doesn't know why.
When she's already in front of the golden gate, a man in a white suit walked towards her, smiling. The man's face was unrecognized since she cannot see it clearly.
"Why am I here? Am I dead?" Klyde asked to fullfill her confusion. "You're here because I just wanted to say thank you for defeating my greatest enemy, my weakness." The man replied. "You mean the darkness?" The man nodded. Klyde realized that the greatest enemy of the thing she defeated was God. "So your God?" She giggled. "Yes I am God." The man laughed. "Thank you for following your fate and sacrificing yourself. As a return, I will send you back to your family down there."
"Why?" Klyde asked.
"Because its not yet your time." God touched Klyde's forehead. Klyde gasped as she got her breathing back.
She stood up from the bed and looked around but there's no one there. She searched for them outside and saw her father cleaning the her Purple Mercedes Benz. "I should take care of you just like how my princess do." Klyde smiled as she saw her mother carrying food for his dad. "If Klyde's here right now she would be very happy to see you cleaning her own baby."
"Of course I will!" Klyde sobbed and ran towards her parents. "Klyde! What-how?" Her parents hugged her back. "Wait just to make sure." Dean lend her his silver knife and spill some hly water into her. She cut herself on arm to prove that she's not a shifter nor a demon. "Its just me Dad. All me." She chuckled. "But how?" Brooke asked. "Our dad talked to her and thanked her for saving us from Darkness. The price is to give her life back. You've must been very lucky to see him, Klyde. Only few people either angels are given the chance to see him." Castiel pops out from Dean's back. "Damn it, Cass!" Dean laughed. "Where are they?" Klyde asked. "They're in the library still trying to figure out how they can possibly resurrect you." Brooke smiled and kissed her daughter's forehead. "I'm so glad you're back. We can now provide you the complete, happy family that you've wanted for so long."

Dean knocked on the library's door. "Sammy? Maybe you guys should stop that." Confusion drew into Sam's face. "Why?" He asked. "Its just useless." Dean exhaled. "What do you mean? Are you giving up already, Dean?" Sam scoffed. "Nope uncle Sammy. You know that Dad isn't giving up too fast."
Sam swooned when he heard Klyde's voice. Claire and Rowena stopped flipping the pages of the book they're browsing. "Klyde?" Claire stood up and Klyde go inside to hug her. "Oh my God! Klyde! You're alive!" She sobbed.
"Heya bitch! I missed you!" She hugged Claire very tight. Even though having a flaccid body, she still managed to mive properly. "You better rest first, honey. Your body's still feeble." Rowena smiled. "Rowena! I will. Thank you." Klyde also hugged her tighter than Claire that almost lack the oxygen on her lungs. Her parents can say that besides them, Sam, Claire and Evelyn, Rowena is one of her favorite person. They were really being attached to each other and they had this 'profound bond' while they're preparing for Amara. Crowley visited the bunker and he was surprised to see Klyde alive. "There you are douchebag." Klyde greeted. "Why? What did I do?" Crowley whimpered. "I just found out what you did to my future boyfriend and to his mom." Crowley remembered about Lisa and Ben. He used to kidnap them to make Dean say yes to his favor. "You mean you're dating Ben?" He asked. Crowley's eyes awkwardly dart from Klyde to Dean and then back again. "That would be awkward my dear. Are you aware that-". "Cut it off man. We already got over from that." Dean grumbled. "Sorry. My bad." Crowley chuckled.
"Guys we should celebrate for this." Sam exclaimed.

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