Chapter 4; Carter; Telling Alexandria; Cheating.

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**Carter's P.O.V.**

Its been 9 months since school has started. Yeah I know sped my quickly.

During those 9 months Ive got to know a little bit about Blakely, from all the classes we have together.

My feelings for her are getting alot stronger.

Its sorta hard to deal with. I can't really tell her I'm her mate when im in a relationship..

I really wanna tell her though.

I got up off my bed and walked into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't look all that bad exept my hair looked like I just got done having sex and my boxers were sideways.

I turned on the shower and stripped out if my cloths. I threw them down the shoot and jumped into the shower. I washed my hair with my Axe shampoo and conditioner. I washed my body with my axe body wash. I rinsed off and got out. I shivered as the cold air hit my body. I grabbed a towel out of the cabinet and wrapped it around my waist.I stepped out of my bathroom and into my room. I walked to my closet and walked in and shut the door. My closet is huge you could probably fit a zoo in it. Okay yeah lets not try that.

I walked around to where all my boxers are. I grabbed a pair and dropped my towel.

I walked over to my pants section.

I grabbed a pair of dark blue jean pants and slid them on. I then walked over to my shirts and grabbed a baby blue aeropastal shirt and put it on. I walked over to my shoes and picked out black supras I grabbed my socks and put them on then my shoes.

I walked out of the closet and went to the bathroom. I got into my cabinet and got my comb and hair gel I spiked my hair quickly then put all my things back into the drawer. I got my clone off the cabint and sprayed it on me. I then got my axe deodorant and put it underneath both of my arms and threw it back on the cabinet. I quickly brushed my teeth then I shut my light off and walked back to my room. I grabbed my bag, phone, and keys and ran down the stairs.

I walked into the kitchen and got a water.

I walked into the grace and opened the door and got into my blue Hummer. I pulled out of the garage and hit the button on the dash and closed the garage door. Then I drove off to school.

Once I got there I parked in my normal spot.

I looked up to see if Blakely was here yet. Nope just her brothers Jasper and Carson. I walked into the school and saw Sarah at my locker I walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek.

"Goodmorning" I said.

"Goodmorning Carter" she replied.

We were just standing there talking minding our own business.

"Carter can we talk" I heard Blakely asked

I jumped and turned around to see her looking at me.

"Ugh, sure" i said smiling.

She smiled back at me "alone" she said looking over at Sarah.

"Oh yeah right, um could you excuse us please ill see you in class" i said as i kissed her cheek.

She nodded and walked away.

"So what do you need to talk about?" I asked unsure

"Well, um. I don't know if you know if not but were....ugh.... mates. I don't k is why I waited 9 months before telling you I guess its just that your so happy with her and I didn't want to mess up your relationship with her. " she said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2013 ⏰

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