Chapter 1; Senior Year.; Alexandria

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**Alexandria's P.O.V.**

"Alexandria get up or your going to be late for your first day of senior year" I heard my mother yell.

I sighed and got up and walked into my closet. I chose a pair of dark blue destroyed skinny jeans and a 'Never Shout Never' shirt also I added my black boots.

I slid them on and made my way to the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and did my make up. I was fixing to walk out when I notice I didn't do my hair. I sighed once again and threw my long blonde and brown hair in a messy bun with 2 braids on the left side. Once I finished I walked out. I grabbed my bag, phone, keys, and helmet, and quickly ran downstairs.

I made my way into the living room.

"Your sisters rode the bus and Jasper and Carson took there cars" my mom said.

"Okay" I said as I kissed ny mothers forehead.

" I take it your taking your bike" she asked.

"Yes ma'am" I giggles and ran towards the garage.

I opened the garage and got on my white Yamaha and put my helmet on and started it up and rode off to school.

I pulled into the school parking lot between Jasper's blue mustang and Carson's black lambergini.

I took off my helmet and turned off my bike. I got off and walked up towards the school. I walked into the office and grabbed my schedule and headed towards my locker.

I laughed to myself at all the comments I was getting, from both girls and boys. Some of them were quite hilarious.

I found my locker and had to push a couple off my locker I finally got in it. I put my bag and hung my helmet on the hooks that are provided in each locker. I gathered up my books and grabbed my schedule and headed to first period. Algebra 1. Great.

I walked into the class and took my seat. As I waited for the teacher to appear in the class I caught up with my best friend Faith.

Faith is the same age as me. She's also a werewolf. She's found her mate. His names Trevor. He's a really nice person and he's really nice to her.

After about 15 minutes of catching up with her the teacher Mr. Taylor came in.

"Good Morning Class" Mr. Taylor said.

"Morning" the class said in usion.

With that he began his lesson. Well until he was irrupted by a really really hot guy coming in the class.

"Mr. Robertson, why are you late" Mr. Taylor asked annoyed already.

"I'm sorry sir, I woke up late" he replied.

"Don't let this become a habit" Mr. Taylor said.

"Yes sir." Robertson replied and walked over to a desk by me.

He took a seat beside to me and got his notepad out and started taking the notes Mr. Taylor was writing on the board.

Halfway threw the notes I felt someone poke me.

I look over to see Robertson looking at me.

"Yes" I whispered.

"Do you have a pencil I can barrow my led broke" he asked embarrassed.

"Ugh, yeah, hold on. " I told him as I got my pencil bag out and got a mechanical pencil out.

"Ugh here you go" I said

"Thank you, by the way I'm Carter" he said.

"No problem, you can keep it. I'm Alexandria, you can call me Alex or Blakely" I replied back.

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