Magic Exists.

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Yeah, I believe in magic. And there's no way you'll convince me otherwise. Good luck trying, I'm already sure magic is real. And it's been proven to me. My magic is something special. Something I could spread amongst the people. But I think the only way I can get you to understand the reasoning behind magic, is to give you an example. Well, here goes nothing:

The curtains open, revealing a group of people on stage.



All with different experiences, passions, loves, families, and lives, they nervously stare into the crowd in front of them, taking in the bright lights and bored faces. Almost instantly, the people on-stage focus onto what they've learned all the way up until now. Their hearts pound despite the countless times they've done this. Almost out of impulse, they begin the count-off, and jump into the very thing they do best:

They sing.

The team of performers open their mouths, sewing and weaving their words and notes together, fabricating all their emotion and heart into their love, their passion. Heavy eyes within the audience slowly struggle through their slumber and force themselves open, awakened from their bored existence. The instruments of the singers form messages of hope and despair, love and hate, healing and pain, all of it seeping into the audience in front of them. 

Then the magic happens.

As people acknowledge the sounds and rhythms resonating from the cores of the performers, emotions are discovered like the old, once-loved and prized possessions lost and abandoned in a dusty attic. The harmonies and melodic voices dust off the long-forgotten emotions, reviving their still hearts, giving them life and shaping them with little more than the positioning of the tongue and the gift of voice. Soon memories echo throughout the minds of the observers, simply taking in hit after hit of emotion, living in that moment with nothing else but their thoughts and the sound of life emitting from the stage. The performers pour their lives, their heartbreaks, their joy, their love, all into their creation, the very thing they do best. They make music. They create emotion, and feed it to the ears of those who listen, instilling the melodies and chords into their memory and helping them simply feel. Tears form on the edges of those truly connected, and they let themselves sink into the feeling and soak it all in, and cry. They cry with the flow of emotion, listening to the sweet sounds of the chords from the stage and cherish every note showered onto them. The tongue brings back memories of past feelings, past experiences, fears, loves, and they sit, simply accepting the messages it creates. The performers express themselves with all their emotion, soul, and faith, with closed eyes and passionate auras. They put themselves into their song, which over time has been memorized and engrained into their mind, held onto like a prized gem. And soon, without realizing it, they end, and open their eyes.

The crowd is silent.

But silence is broken like a glass vase nearly immediately as the crowd stands and erupts with full emotion and tears in their eyes in a heartfelt cheer. In a matter of minutes, these people on stage gave them something precious, altered their views, awakened emotions lost from long ago, and may have even changed the lives of a few. They made music. They turned a crowd full of boredom into one full of emotion. They used their talent to express something that sometimes words alone can only hope to do.

And that in itself is magical, and is why I know it exists.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2013 ⏰

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