28 ; leaving day

12 0 0

L E I A (quick a/n: smh sorry about this, but im gonna change how the 'POV' thing is gonna look so yeaaahhhh)

I checked the time. 9:24pm. My parents could be coming any minutes along with Daryl. Any minute now.

I hear the door unlock from the kitchen while I was eating dinner with Michael and Karen. Daryl walks in and my parents walk in. Gosh, they look so old. Their hair is turning grey. Their clothes are baggy. There's something in their hands. It's fuzzy, small, and moving. A. FUCKING. KITTEN.

"Leia!" My parents yell, opening their arms wide for a hug.

I quickly get out of my seat and run towards them. I hug both of them tight because it's been a long time since I've seen them. It's been way too long. I look at the kitten as I hug them tight.

"Oh my god, you guys look so...old." I say, "Who's this little fella?"

"That's what happens when you explore the world studying biology. And this is your surprise." My mom chuckles handing me the kitten, "You could name him when we get home. But how are you? What have I missed in your life?"

I pet the kitten and look back at Michael, wondering if he wants me to tell them that we're dating. But he mouthed the words, 'Later.'

My parents walk up to Karen, Daryl, and Michael, "Thank you for taking care of Leia. Thank you so much, I appreciate all of what you have done for our little girl." My dad hands them an envelope. It's probably money. It's always money.

My boxes are packed and are sitting right by the door.

"Honey? Do you want to say goodbye to the Cliffords?" My dad asks.

"I already said goodbye, but it's not like it's my last." I point out, looking back at Michael, again.

"Okay. Uhh, Daryl, I guess we're gonna go home now." My dad tells him.

He nods. My dad and Daryl begin to get my boxes of junk into their car. As my parents wait outside, I go back into the kitchen and give Michael a hug. This could be my last, but you never know.

"Bye, Mikey. I love you and I always will." I go on my tippy-toes to give him a kiss on his scruffy cheek.

"Just remember, that we will find a way and that you will always be mine, okay?" He smiles and he pets the kitten that's in my arms, "He looks like me."

"Okay and I know right?" I smile back. I head back to the front door before my parents notice us. I mouth 'bye' to Michael as Daryl finishes putting my stuff into boxes.

"Lets go home, Leia?" My mom holds my hand.

"Let's go." I confirm.

My mom takes me to the car. Daryl's driving because he's the one who picked up my parents.

I sit back in the seat as Daryl begins to drive to our house. I pet the little fella and tell him, "You're going to be named Milo." It's because it sounds like Michael. Get it? Mi-loh? Mi-cole?

We arrive and it's already 10:16. We say our goodbyes to Daryl and we get my stuff from the back. The boxes were stacked by 2's so it we don't have to make like a billion trips back in forth. My dad unlocks the door to our house. I step in first and I see sheets covering the furniture. Everything was left as it was when I was about 11 or 12. I don't remember when I left this place. I just remembered how everything was left. The couch was sitting by the window and the other couch was right across it. Everything looks dusty, but that's until we remove the sheets covering the furniture. I set down the kitten and he walks around.

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