27 ; we will find a way

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||Michael's POV||

It's only 11:23 and Leia's already asleep. I put the ice cream back where it came from and I come back into Leia's room. Phew. She's still sleeping because I sort of made a lot of noise while putting the ice cream back. I crawl into bed with her and cuddle up next to her. I wrap my arm around her. She's warm and she smells like vanilla. I slowly shut my eyes as I slowly become tired from watching too much AHS. 

Somehow, the season Murder House can relate to Leia and I (well sort of, like not the part where Tate fucks Violet's mom, noooo way) because you know her parents don't know about me and that they don't like me. But yet, it has a cool ass love story on how Tate is dead and Violet isn't, (QUICK A/N: IF U GUYS HAVEN'T WATCH AHS MURDER HOUSE AND ARE PLANNING TO I AM GOING TO GIVE A FUCKING SPOILER SO LIKE SKIP THIS SENTENCE AND MOVE ON TO THE OTHER ONE. THANKS!) except the part where Violet commits suicide and dies, so her and Tate are both dead AND Violet begins to hate Tate tell him to 'go away' and yeah. Let's just hope that Leia and I don't become like that because there's a bright future ahead of us (not counting Leia's parents and what they will do to us).

I should probably sleep instead of thinking of what Leia's parents are gonna do.


I wake up without Leia by my side. Where'd she go?

Oh shit. Today's the day Leia's parents come home. Maybe she left already and I didn't get to say goodbye? Oh fuck no!

I get up, put on my pajama pants, and rush out of her room. I go in the kitchen and find my mom and dad. When I move 2 steps closer I see Leia sitting and eating breakfast while she's still wear my shirt and no pants.

Thank god she's still here.

"Your boyfriend's awake." My mom gestures to me while she's talking to Leia.

"Hey, Mikey." Leia says in her morning voice. I love her morning voice, it's like a hint of raspy and a whole lot of cute.

"Hey." I take the seat next to her.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, your bed is way more comfier than mine." I chuckle.

"Probably because Leia was there while you." My mom pointed out.

"I guess." I shrug and scratch the back of my neck. "So, Leia, what time do your parents arrive?"

"I don't know the specific time, but they told me they're coming at night. So, I have enough time to pack up my stuff." She explains.

"You're gonna pack up your stuff already?"

"Well, of course silly! I'm gonna be staying there since I'm 18, I could stay there legally without a parent supervision." It seems like she's happy that she's leaving. 

"Oh." I say, sorta telling her that I don't want her to leave.

She takes a sip of her coffee, "Yeah, I gotta pack now because I got a lot of stuff."

"I'll help you." I insisted.

"Go eat first." Leia demanded.

"Fine." I set up my breakfast, which is cereal, and I eat as fast as I can.

I head into Leia's room and she's marking the boxes with 'clothes', 'bed stuff', 'books and cds',  'makeup and misc', and 'electronics'.

"I'm here to help!" I announce while standing in the door frame.

"Okay, so here goes my clothes, like underwear and jeans and shirts and shit; this is where like my bed sheets and pillows go; this is where my books and cds go, obviously; where my makeup and random shit goes; and this is where my electronics and stuff that you plug into the outlets go."

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