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           As YO SOY LECHE approaches the lunch table where YO SOY MANZANA is already deeply invested in eating, she sees several small nats flying around. "Where did they come from?" Asked YO SOY LECHE. "I don't know," replied YO SOY MANZANA.
           "Might you use your strong, muscular arms to open this infuriating bag of chips for me," asked YO SOY MANZANA, batting her eyelashes. YO SOY LECHE, try as she might, could not overpower the plastic binding. "We need scissors!" Exclaimed YO SOY MANZANA. At this, YO SOY LECHE whipped out a pair of glowing majestic scissors that she just so happened to have. YO SOY MANZANA almost fainted with gratitude as YO SOY LECHE snipped open the bag of chips.
           As YO SOY LECHE writes the events of thus so far, YO SOY MANZANA reaches over and places a sticker with an orange on the edge of her iPad.
           Munching on her succulent carrot slices, she reads what she has written so far to YO SOY MANZANA, who promptly sheds tears for how beautiful the autobiography is. "Don't forget the part where I went to the library to return my book," says YO SOY MANZANA. YO SOY LECHE says that she will, but knows in her heart that she never will...
         YO SOY LECHE had a slight cough, which YO SOY MANZANA would reply to with, "bless you my beautiful bunny fluff". YO SOY LECHE just stared back. Their eyes met, and suddenly YO SOY LECHES hear stopped. She spotted a hair on YO SOY MANZANAS head that was astray. She gently went to sweep it back into place. (No homo, I swear)
           YO SOY MANZANA kept furiously wiping chap stick across her beautiful lips, for her fear of dry skin. YO SOY MANZANA pointed to a bit of chocolate pudding that had fallen onto the table. "Poop staaiiinnnnn," she said, reminded of how YO SOY MANZANA used to call her chocolate pudding poop. YO SOY LECHE glanced over to find that the seemingly possessed table next to them was wiggling again.

  Unfortunately, the bell is about to interrupt the continuation of THE ADVENTURES OF YO SOY LECHE

Shall continue in Chapter 3


The Adventures of YO SOY LECHE week 1Where stories live. Discover now