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So a few years ago, Tyler kinda came across an issue. He doesn't like to talk about it bc it's super embarrassing and he hates it so much and I mean can you blame him Jesus Christ it's kinda fucked up. So basically, every night, he turns into this alter ego of himself whose name is Blurryface. I mean you'd prolly assume that this is some werewolf type concept where Blurryface (BF) like terrorizes the town and destroys shit but nah it's actually nothing like that. The reason Tyler hates BF so much is because of his uncontrollable appetite.

Every night, BF forces his way into Tyler's head and essentially just eats every food he can get his hands on, mostly desserts bc everyone loves dessert. He just eats cake and snacks and candy and ice cream and stuffs his face full of popcorn and chips and cookies and just raids Tyler's pantry. He doesn't understand the concept of feeling full, because all he can feel is hunger, so he doesn't stop eating until Tyler's body physically cannot eat anymore ouch. BF just gorges himself all night long until he passes out, and then Tyler wakes up as himself the next morning feeling like a fuckin wreck he just feels horrible and his poor lil belly is so full it aches and he couldn't move if he wanted to so he just groans and lays in bed all morning and yep Tyler hatehatehates BF.

So as the problem progresses, it starts to take a toll on Tyler's body. Yepyep u know what I'm talking about like he can't just expect to eat all that without gettin a lil chubby I'm so sorry Tyler like he's so self conscious about it and he tries to find ways to get rid of it like he rarely eats during the day and he works out but he just can't keep up and it's no use. BF is like subconsciously aware of what Tyler's trying to do and since he's a sneaky lil bastard, he decides to eat even more unhealthy food at night to purposefully make Tyler gain weight because he's just so mean. Tyler eventually just gives up on the whole "stay in shape" thing because it's going no where and he kinda stopped caring he's just so upset and ashamed and frustrated with this whole thing.

So yep Tyler is definitely gettin a lil chubbier like it isn't noticeable at first like it's just a lil extra weight here and there but then oh my it gets way more obvious like he acquires a lil belly chub and #thickk thighs and a bigger ass and even love handles oh my and yeah Tyler hates it but BF loves it so it's just a vicious cycle that neither of them can control and yeah not good not good at all.

And yeah this is where Josh aka Tyler's best friend gets involved with it. He notices that Tyler has been putting on weight and how he always look like a disaster whenever he and Josh hang out so Josh is obviously concerned (he lowkey thinks the chub is hot bc he's kinda gay for Tyler but that's not important right now) so one day Josh asks him about it like "Tyler bro are you okay?? You don't look very happy lately," and at first Tyler is like "I'm fine I'm fine" but Josh is persistent so eventually Tyler explains it to him. Josh is super confused but he rly wants to help Tyler so they work together to come up with a plan to outsmart BF.

So that night, Josh comes over to Tylers house. Their plan is this: Josh will tie Tylers hands together and tie him to a chair and when BF shows up, Josh won't listen to him to matter what he says. So night falls and Tyler switches to BF mode and immediately begs Josh to let him eat like "Joshie pleaseplease feed me I'm so hungry I promise I won't take it too far please just let me eat," and he's whining and complaining and tugging at his restraints but Josh ain't fallin for it yo. He just crosses his arms over his chest and is like "nope haha" and doesn't listen to BF at all.

Since BF is desperate and rly clever (and kinda horny), he decides to take advantage of Josh's obvious feelings for Tyler so he's like "Please Joshie? If you feed me, I'll suck you off. I promise." And that sure does grab Josh's attention and he gets all blushy because from his point of view, a guy that looks and sounds and somewhat acts like Tyler just offered him a bj and he is very tempted but he's like "shut the fuck up there's no way I'm letting you go," but BF just gives him that puppy eye look and says "Please, baby, just let me make you feel good?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2015 ⏰

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