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Numbers 1-10 are the introductory poems to this collection. I hope you enjoy them. The following, extensive series of 200 poems follow the progression of my life as I went through it. Many of the following could be triggers, and so I will include "(TR)"... (TR= "Trigger") at the end of the titles of any that may be triggers.

I have a lot of poems like these because I was not doing well in life as a whole, and I had issues coping. These poems are not at all written in present time, and I promise... I'm doing a lot better since then. So, tread carefully. Many of the following are "dark". I'm not proud of the following, but it's good to look back every once in a while. You've been warned. Also, as a little fun aspect, you get to see how my style has changed just over this past year! Regardless, I hope you enjoy what you read. Thanks for taking the time to read my works!

I'm really not fond of numbers 11-200.....


If you're reading this after you've read one or more that have caused issues, I apologize. I have no real way of drawing attention to this page in particular excluding its title.

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