"I guess, I liked the thought of keeping my identity hidden, in case anything like tonight happens, they won't know where to find me because all they would know is my stage name and not my real one." I answered simply, after thinking about it for a while.

Adam nodded and motion me to continue. Where was I? Oh right, dissing Jake for dissing the nerd population. The nerve of this guy, I seethed. I actually started liking him.

"As I was saying," I cleared my throat, feeling it go hoarse from all the talking and I'm not even close to halfway. The have got to stop interrupting me. "Not all nerds are pushover. I wanted to be a living proof of that and also to be a living proof that a girl can indeed 'kick ass'." I emphasized with a quotation motion with my fingers.

"and..?" Zac trailed off, prodding for more. I looked at him, puzzled. "And what?" I asked him quizzically.

"How did you kick my ass," he sounded miffed by admitting that I beat his ass bloody. I held in a chuckle at his expression. This one has a huge ego and I just took a huge chunk out of it.

"I had an older brother to teach me," Silence followed and Jake broke it by asking one word.

"Had?" I nodded in confirmation and in indication of the end of the discussion. "Had."

Monic clapped her hands once, startling all of us and rubbed them together. "Who wants hot chocolate?"


"So.." Adam started as he walked closer towards the couch I was sitting on.

"So.." I trailed off awkwardly as I looked around. "Nice place, you guys got here."

"Yeah," he chuckled. "It's kind of my go to place when I'm upset. No one knew about this place except for Jake and Zac. You guys will be safe here for the mean time." He informed quietly as he scratched the back of his head. He seems to do that often when he's nervous or when he's out of words.

I chuckled silently at the cute habit and he sat next to me. We were sitting on the isolated and depressing couch. It's outer layer is a creme leather and it's really comfortable to sit on.

"Are you going to sleep?" I quirked an eyebrow at him. "No, I'm not really sleepy, why?" His fingers played with the mouth of his mug and I sipped on mine, my eyes still fixated to his face, memorizing every detail.

He has faint freckles on his face and his nose was a bit crooked. His eyes was a lighter green and reflected the light when you see it in a much closer distance and they were almond shaped.

His lips were thin but not that thin that you couldn't see them and they jutted out in a pout when he's thinking hard. His jaw was chiseled and you could see a subtle scruff like he hasn't shaved for a couple of days.

Only when he waved his hands in front of my face did I realize that I spaced out on him. I shook my head lightly and flushed scarlet. "Sorry," I muttered, embarrassed beyond words.

He shook his head, "It's fine, I was just asking if you have any other siblings." My mood dampened at the statement and I shook my head no and cast my eyes downwards on the tiled floor. He murmured a silent 'oh'.

After a while, he nudged me with his shoulder and pointed towards the love seat where Monic was vast asleep with Jake beside her, cuddling her from behind and draping an arm over her sleeping body, snoring loudly.

The two looked so cute together that I couldn't suppress my smile and covered my mouth with my hand as I bit my bottom lip, trying to hold in the aw, threatening to come out.

Despite Jake's loud snores, Monic kept on sleeping and didn't even stir. She was always a heavy sleeper.

Talk about a perfect match, huh?

I turned to look at Adam only to find out he beat me to it and was already looking at me.

The blush on my face came back and crawled up my neck, heating up my cheeks.

The night went on and Adam started to tell me about his younger sister, Cali and his younger brother, Pio. I smiled as I listened to him talk about the pranks they played on him and how they would fight for his attention.

Even as my eyelids droop and my head slid off my arm and the mug of hot chocolate long forgotten, the smile remained and soon, my eyes couldn't stay open and closed itself.

The last thing I heard was Adam murmuring a good night and feeling a soft and feathery touch on my forehead before drifting off to sleep.


Heyo! Sorry for the long wait today. My brain decided not to cooperate and it gave me a hard time in thinking of what to do in this chapter but then my younger sister chided me off on my horrible romance skills and I'm too stubborn to let it go.

So there ya go! Hope you guys like this chapter and damn, do I ship those two XD

I gotta go now, ciao brotha -J

The Nerd Can Fight (#1)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu