New Beginnings, Yeah Right!

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^Valicity up top^

"I guess you came home early tonight, what, your secretary slut wasn't in the mood today?" my mother's spat, her voice rose into my paper thin wall.

"Oh your one to talk, don't you have a boy toy to go whoring off to?" dad snapped back.

"At least he loves me unlike some a**holes I know!" she screamed.

"Ha right, he just stays because you buy him things with 'My' money I might add!" dad retorted.

"I hat-"

I jammed my earphones in my ears and turned the volume up on my ipod for the night. I lay, staring up at the ceiling listening to the loudest rock song I had.

What was the point in moving if they were still going to argue all the time? Isn't the whole point of starting new was to change... I guess you can't teach old dogs new tricks. I rolled over on my side and closed my eyes.

I'm so tired of this shit.


East Valley High, my new school. It was senor year and I was darn happy I only had a year till I could high tail it out of my parents' house and move into an awesome crappy apartment and live my own life. I jogged up the filthy gum stained steps and into the loud school building; my prison and sanctuary for the next year. The moment I stepped through the heavy metal double doors I knew this was going to be an interesting adventure. I spotted a giant group of boys' rough housing around and another giant group of girls talking animatedly. From the sound of their high pitched voices, they were trying to speak over the ruffians in the corner.

I shook my head at the amusing scene and turn towards the clear windows with an older lady sitting behind the glass; there with a speaker box in the middle. I frowned at this, what the hell was the protective glass for?

'Did they think this was a bank?'

The woman's brown eyes stared up at me expectantly as I walked up to the window.

"Can I help you?" she asked, her voice muffled and distorted from the crackling speaker box.

"Yeah, My names Valicity Jamison I'm here for my schedule." I said awkwardly in the box.

"Ok, hold on a second." She began tapping away on her keyboard before she turned around quickly and snatched a paper form the printer almost before it was done. Turning back to me, she looked down and made corrections with a red marker, tore a sticky note off her desk and scribbled something with a few glances back to the computer, slapped it in the corner of the paper before sliding it in the hole under the glass.

"There you go hun" she smiled up at me as I took my schedule and looked at it. There was a cross mark over Bio along with her smaller sloppier writing beside it that said Phy. I glanced up to asked her why she crossed out Bio but the phone rang and thus I was completely ignored.

Sighing I pivoted around and stared down the jungle of a hallway towards the locker number that was on the sticky note. I swear I almost died twice trying to get past all those boys, I'm pretty sure all of them were in some sort of spots club!

Finally safe out of that hot mess I reached my locker and put in my number. Once open, I jammed my book bag in the bottom and took my history book out since it was my first class. At least it wasn't math because I don't think I would ever pass that class so early in the damn morning.

A loud shrilling noise assaulted my ears which made me jump, glancing around I saw that everyone stopped what they were doing and rushed off in all directions. I practically had to squeeze myself up against the locker to help from getting trampled on. Man with a school full of rough looking douchebags they were sure serious about their attendance.

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