Chapter 2

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Caitlin Smith

Pose! pose! pose! thanks you did great the new photographer said as I stepped out of the cameras range,

He smirked then walked over to me asking if I want to and I quote "hang out" I just laughed and let him down lightly that I'm not interested.

I walk to my changing rooms and get out of this lingerie and get into some denim shorts and a sparkly Crop top, when I go to walk out, something catches my eyes.

A magazine with all the top models for Victoria secret, I squeal and start flipping threw the pages until I come across my name, Caitlin smith Victoria's number one Angel

I scream and run to my managers car and get in screaming from the top of my lungs, she just smiles and starts the car.

I wave bye as she pulls out and takes off, I walk up to my front door and search for my keys in my handbag until

"Hello there miss are you Caitlin smith" I nod and tell him to continue he smiles then says "I am the owner of sawyer industries and I want you to be one of our spokes people, this will get you to be known all over the world, and will even further your modelling courier.

I smile then frown as I know there is a catch he nods then says that I will have to date the other spokes person until the contract is over.

I think this threw then say that I am in and ask when do I begin. With a excited smile on my face.

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