Chapter 1

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Phoenix Colt

my engine roared to life as it sprinted to the starting line, dashing threw the other cars, as I raced towards the front. my foot digging deeper into the exalerator, causing me to take the lead. I zoom across the track, to where the flag is getting waved in the air, and put my foot down causing the car to leave all the other racers in the dust. as the green flag gets flung side to side as I passed.

I drive the car into the garage so my team can check if my baby is all right, I walk off and met with my friend Ben Smith he has been my right hand man ever since I was little, "hey bro" I smile and stand next to him while he searches for something, then he pulls out two beers. I snatch it away and chug it down, while laughing about some silly remark he makes.

next thing I know a man walks out on the stage and calls the third place winner " Brian Stanford" second place " Jake Kelly" the man I despised of and cant wait to rub in his face my trophies, and first place " Phoenix colt" everyone cheers and I send a wink out to the ladies and walk up to the podium where I take my trophy and raise it in the air. the crowd goes wild.

I walk down and meet up with Ben and drank at least two boxes of beer, I scan the crowd trying to find a good lay for tonight, but come back empty handed, I yawn as I see just the same bimbos here with to tight of clothing and so much makeup the look like clowns. I grab a random girl from the crowd not really careing if she is taken or not, and chuck her in my car, I start the engine and drive home with the girl beside me smirking seductively.

the next morning I yell at the girl to get out of my house, and walk to the kitchen to make me some breakfast, as I start making the pancake mixture, there is a knock on my door,

I rush out and throw back the door, getting ready to yell at the person who disrupted me, but to my dismay, I see just an old locking man in a nice business suit, and carrying a whole lot of files, "WHAT IS IT OLD MAN" he smirks then asks if he may enter, I yawn, and say "NO" he keeps on smirking and begins to talk "hello my names David sawyer, the owner and manager of the one and only sawyer industries" my mouth fly's open leaving me speechless, when I finally pull myself together and, tell him to continue "anyway you and anther famous star are going to be our new spokes people, we will donate, and fund everything you do if you follow our procedures, I nod and he hands me the contract, I read threw and see that I will have to have an fake relationship with the other famous person, I shake my head and hand back the contract "NO IM NOT AN DATING TYPE SORRY, YOUR GONNA HAVE TO FIND SOMEONE ELSE" He smirks then says "if I were you I would think that because there will be no other contracts that could come near this, and all you have to do is a couple photo-shoots been seen with her every once and a while, and BAM you will be the best race car driver known to man" I stand still thinking it over before I snatch back the contract and sign and the bottom.

he smirks then walks away before I can ask who I will be fake dating until this contract finishes, and I have my fame and fortune.

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