Hopping into the drivers seat, I backed out of the drive way once everyone was ready. In a separate car, my mom and dad headed off in the opposite direction of us.

After some time, we made it to the pack house. Pulling the car into the garage, the door closed behind us. We had hardly gotten out of the car when Amy met us in the garage.

"Hey, ya'll. Did you get here ok?"

"Yes, we did." I responded reverently. I often felt like Amy was my second mom. She seems to worry just as much.

Speaking of my mother, I made sure to tell her through the link that we had made it. I grabbed the book bag that I had packed and made sure to lock the car.

Once we exited the garage, Amy attempted to usher us inside the pack house. However, I suddenly saw a solid light brown wolf running across the yard. Through the pack bond, I realized who it was.

"Tyler!" I called out. He paused momentarily and faced towards me

"What are you doing?" I questioned.

'Um... Josh...' He lowered his head as he whimpered.

"What? What's wrong?"

'I think you need to come with me. Josh is hurt.'

At his words, my heart seemed to stop.

I just saw him a few minutes ago and our last conversation didn't go well... I reflected.

Without a second thought, I shifted and ran towards Tyler as we took off towards the pack hospital.


Once we arrived, we shifted before attempting to enter the hospital. I was relieved that I just so happened to have my book bag still with me from earlier. After we both changed, we headed straight for the door. Momentarily, we stopped long enough for a nurse to tell us where they had taken him. Once we had the information we needed, Tyler and I took off in the direction the nurse pointed us in.

It wasn't long before we found his room. However, we entered only to find Galena with a panicked look on her face.

"He's dropping!" she called out to one of the nurses.

"Is he ok?" I questioned with genuine concern. I didn't even know what had happened to him.

"I'm sorry, Selena, but you can't be in here." She stated as a few nurses moved to usher me and Tyler out. As I started to back out of the door, I heard a long deafening tone.

"He's flat-lining!" I heard right before the door shut, muffling any sounds coming from the room.

For a moment, everything seemed still. The thought of death never crossed my mind really until now. Mortality began to make itself more real in that moment alone.

Just as I thought I might go into shock, a single touch on my shoulder brought me back to reality.

"He'll be fine. He always is," Tyler smiled.

I don't know how, but Tyler has this incredible gift to kind of make you forget about the bad things for a moment. He just has a way of keeping everything positive.

"Yeah," I softly muttered.

"Come sit with me for now," he motioned.

"Ok," I answered shortly as I followed him back to the waiting room.

I don't know for how long we were sitting. To me, it seemed as if time never progressed. As I sat there, I never even bothered to check the time. It didn't seem to matter. However, soon enough, Galena came into view.As soon as I saw her heading our way, I stood up immediately.

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