Not long after, I heard Tyler begin to speak over the link.

'Hey, are you going to Colt's party tonight?'

After a moment, I responded, 'Yes, are you going?'

'Yes.' he replied.

Sensing my silence, he defended himself,'What? It's a lot better to be able to go to a werewolf party. I can't have fun at a college party very well because drinking would draw too much attention!'

I rolled my eyes sarcastically, 'Yeah, sure. That's why.'

'Shut up,' he laughed.

Looking at the time, I realized the party was about to start in an hour.

'Ok, I'm going to get ready now.' I answered back.

'Alright man, I'll see you then.'


I arrived to the house around the same time as Tyler so we walked in together.

I didn't know quite how formal this party was going to be, so I settled for wearing a dark jean jacket slightly lighter than my pants, a white shirt underneath, and dark jeans with matching black shoes.

Tyler however, was wearing a nice blue flannel shirt with dark jeans, converse, and his signature beanie.

I looked at him with mock disapproval, "Can't seem to rid yourself of that beanie, can you?"

"And you can't seem to rid yourself of the color black," he cleverly shot back.

"Touché," I nodded lightly.

After knocking on the door, I added, "But, I can't help it that my eyes are attracted to darker colored clothing."

"It wouldn't kill you to wear brighter colors," he smiled as if he had won the battle.

"But I'm sure it'd kill you to not wear that beanie."

He held onto it, pretending to act defensively and I couldn't help but chuckle.

Colt soon let us in. I thought I was early, but there were already tons of people here already.

We had made our way to some chairs accompanied by a table within a section of the large vestibule near the front door. I had never seen such an enormous house before, aside from the pack house.

Eventually Colt joined us in our conversation and we began to talk for a bit. Then, that's when Jake showed up. He shot me a glare only I caught. However, he quickly changed his expression as he faced towards Colt and Tyler smiling.

'Great. He still doesn't like me, I see.'

'You bet I don't,' I heard Jake respond through the link.

I was inwardly frustrated having had my mind invaded unnecessarily. But, of course, I wouldn't allow Jake to see that he was getting to me.

All four of us continued talking when the door bell rang. Colt jogged over to the door to open it.

And that's when I saw her.

I was so taken aback, I felt like I couldn't breath for a second. As Selena stepped through the door, it seemed as if time had slowed down.

Her brown hair was perfectly curled and her make up was just flawless. But it was the dress that really took me away. It was a red, strapless, lacy dress that really seemed to compliment her hair.

All three of us guys, even Tyler, stood in awe of the girl who just came in and captivated us.

"Wow, Selena looks really pretty in red," I heard Tyler comment.

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