The Feeling's Mutual, Actually

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"Already broken, already gone. Already now you're movin' on. I'm a dead man, talking. I'm a dead man, walking. Already see it in your face; already someone in my place. I'm a dead man talking, I'm a dead man, walking yeah"

-Dead Man Walking, The Script


Mia gazed blankly at the motionless form on the hospital bed in front of her. It had been about 2 and a half hours since the surgery, and approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes since she found him bleeding by the banks. Even now, she could still feel the terror and the panic grip her heart when she realized he'd been shot in the leg. It was all she could do to keep herself alert and attentive to the surgeon's instructions. Fortunately enough, she had been trained for situations like these in the emergency ward, making it a little more easier to bare.

Thankfully, the bullet didn't do too much damage, and although there had been the onset of a viral infection due to being in the river for too long, they were able to stop it from spreading just in time. God knows how she practically collapsed with relief when it was all over. Just for that she knew she'd be thanking her lucky stars for as long as she'll live.

Leaning her chin on her propped up elbows, she sighed as she stared at the man in front of her. It had been six long years since she last saw him. Not much had changed about him, except maybe that his face had become more angular, and he'd grown a bit leaner. Although she'd never say it out loud, she had to admit that he'd grown even more handsome. His skin was still the same lightly tanned tone, and, if she remembers correctly, bore the fading scars his 'nightly escapades' brought him. She could still navigate every plane and line on his face with ease. His lips were still the same thick rolls of sweet heaven she remembered, and his hair was still the same silky mess of lush raven locks.

...God, she really needed to get over him. 'Get a grip on yourself, MIa! He hated you! You need to get over him right this moment!'

His chin still had that slight double cleft, a bit rough due to the unshaven 5 o'clock shadow. Dark and heavy rings surrounded his eyes, and for a moment, she wondered about how much rest he's actually getting. His thick black lashes framed his eyes perfectly as always, and his unusual deep burgundy eyes still held the same depth and emotion in them. As always, he still had that small smirk on his face whenever she was around...

...Wait a minute...

With a surprised gasp, she jerked back in her seat, causing the chair to knock over. With a loud crash, she fell on the floor.

"Did you enjoy what you saw, princess?" Nate drawled wryly with a smirk on his face.

Grumbling, Mia picked herself up and dusted off her very much wrinkled uniform. For a long minute, they just stared at each otehr, both drinking up as much of the other as possible. Both had missed the other so terribly, yet also unsure of the other's feelings.

After a few moments of silence, Mia cleared her throat, burying her feelings for the young lad to the back of her mind. She had to move on.

With a sigh, she went with the usual check up procedings. She checked his vitals before calling for the doctor.

After the usual questions, the doctor told him to rest and avoid jostling his injured leg.

"When can I be discharged?" Nate asked just before the doctor left.

"With some proper rest, you should be able to leave after three days. Still, it would be plenty of bed rest for you. Doctor's orders. You don't seem to be the type to stay put. In fact, you seem more like the trouble maker kind of person, no offense intended." He added at Nate's raised eyebrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2011 ⏰

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