11: Tabby Jane Herself

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The building fills with smoke making me fall to my knees for safety at first. I stand back up and continue to search for Derek. I walk into a hallway and sharp presses against my throat. Scott runs into the hallway and stares.


"Where's Derek?"

"Scott, she's gonna kill me! She's gonna kill all of us!" I gasp. Allison pushes the blade harder against my throat.


"Leave Scott."

"She's gonna kill Derek, all of us, She might even kill you." I whisper. Allison pushes the blade even harder, cutting through the skin.

"Allison please."

She drops the blade from my throat and throws me on the ground. She walks away looking conflicted. Scott pick me up off the ground. My neck heals and I flick my eyes to teal.

"Get your mom out of here. I'll do what I came to do."

I turn and run through the hall searching for Derek. I come to a room with the window smashed. I jump through the window and run to the parking lot. Derek's Camaro starts to drive away. I run and use my strength to stop it. My claws and fangs emerge as I hold the car stable. Derek gets out and offers me a ride. I climb in and stare off out the window.

"The Argents are after you. Allison made the decision. She's in command now. She tried to slit my throat." I state.

"Are you okay?" Derek sounds unusually concerned. He stays always so stone cold. Derek was only like this once- that was when we were a thing if we even were.

"Yeah, I'm fine, It healed." I keep my gaze out the window.

"You know that's not what I mean."

"I'm fine."


"I'll be fine, after a couple bottles in."

"You're not drinking."

"I live alone, I can drink as long as I stay in. I'll be fine. The drunker I get, the less I have to worry about things. It's a simple circuit thing."

"TJ, you're staying at my place- and sober."

"Derek, you can't control me. I'm on my own with this. It's not up to you if I drink or not. I can do whatever I want."

"Fine TJ, I'll let you be. Do whatever you want. Just don't get yourself killed in the process." His heart skips as he tries to finish the conversation.

"You do still care." I whisper nearly inaudible.

"Honestly, I never stopped."

My heart sinks. Derek Hale has a heart.

"TJ, I know that I probably never told you this. I love you." Derek says.

My heart stops. If he "loves" me, then why'd he kick me out.

"We're here."

"Derek, come inside with me." He raises an eyebrow. "Please. I-I, w-we need to talk."

He unbuckles and opens his door. Before my hand touches the handle Derek already has the door open. I nod a thanks and crawl out of the car. We walk up to my front door and I unlock it. Derek slides an arm around my waist as we walk in. We walk over to my couch and sit.

"What's gonna happen next?" I ask quietly.

"Even though you probably want to hear it from them, Erica and Boyd are leaving. They asked Isaac If he was going, I don't know if he's decided yet, but they'll probably ask you. Boyd will at least. Thing is, it's okay if you want to. I won't hold you back, but leaving increases the risk of being killed. Even if all four of you go and stay together."

Freedom (Teen Wolf Season 2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin