He took in all the information, listening to her voice as they continued down the long hall to a set of double door. "Here's the gym."

They stepped in an Emma couldn't help but smile. This felt like the only safe place in the whole school. The large gym had white with the red and black "Storybrook Pirates" symbol on one wall. There was a basketball court in the middle with two extra hoops on the long sides, totaling six in all, but it also split into two volleyball quarts when the nets were up. The track ran around the edge in a four lane circle, and bleachers at on both the long side walls. The far side also had a climbing wall an rope, and a gymnastics mat along it. All together it was the size of nearly a football field. It was a completely different atmosphere then one would think. With the doors closed, the big room was quieter then the halls, but everyone was having a conversation with many people, the large room just consumed all the sound. You could often hear the beat of a basketball falling rhythmically to the runner's shoes.

Emma took a deep relaxing breath in as an unknown weight lifted off her shoulders. In here, her dad was the authority, not some bonkers teacher, or a crazed popular kid, but her own father, the man that raised her to the girl she was now.

"My dad is the coach, but I think you remember that." She said as they walked towards the bleachers.

"Aye, best teacher in the school." She stopped and stared at him. When he met her eyes he smiled lightly as if he hadn't meant to say that.

She kept walking, pondering the thought. Maybe this Killian Jones was more then he seemed.

They reach the bleachers and sat by Ruby, Robin, Ariel, Eric, Anna, and Kristoff. Emma was pleased to see many of her friends in here, but she couldn't help but notice a large pack of populars including Jefferson and Hans.

Her dad came over, clipboard in hand and welcomed the new class. "Welcome to gym! This class will either be your favorite, or the worst thing to happen in your highschool life." He says with a bright smile and hearty laugh. "My class is simple. Dress out everyday, work as hard as you can, and push yourself. We will run everyday. By Christmas you are expected to run a mile under ten minutes." He explains. Some of the kids groan. Emma notice Jefferson rolling his eyes. He probably expects her dad to go easy on the football guys. She laughed internally, knowing her father couldn't be more annoyed with Jefferson.

"Locker rooms are those two door there," he points across the room by the climbing wall. "Ten minutes, get changed and back here."

The large group gets up, headed to change. Emma and her friends stop by David. "Way to really inspire them dad." She says with a laugh, while giving him a hug.

"Too much? I think maybe I scared some of them." He chuckled.

"You were great. I really missed your class." She admits as she turns toward the locker rooms.

"Me too Em." He said sincerely, "you still have to run though!" He calls after her.

"That's your dad?" Anna asked.

"Yeah." Emma smiled. "You'll love this class."

"I was glad to see I had it, but I'm a little worried for Elsa. We only have one class together, and she's always been shyer then me." Anna expresses her nervousness as they near the door. Right before she enters, Emma notices Rob talking to Killian as they entered the boys locker room. She knew they'd welcomed him, but she was worried he'd get sucked into a popular whirlwind by Jefferson. She pushed aside her thoughts and focused on Anna.

"What class does she have now?" She asked.

Anna racked her brain, trying to remember but not quite grasping the right name, "heart science..?"

The Reason I Hate High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now