Chapter 10 (Edited)

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"The Sacrifice - Part 3"

When we arrived at Steven's Quarry, the sacrifice had just finished, Niklaus dropped Elena's body to the ground. 

Elijah and I stayed hidden between the darkness as we waited for the next to happen.

Niklaus breathed heavily in ecstasy as he walked down the stone steps "I can feel it. It's happening" He breathed looking up at the full moon as his bones began to break and crack as his hybrid formation initiated. His eyes were glowing an Amber color -the color of werewolves' eyes- but he still had veins crawling under his eyes, like those of a vampire. 

A true hybrid.

"Yes! Yes!" Niklaus shouted, relieved. But his moment was cut short when he got thrown magically through the air and the flames of a bowl reignited themselves as Bonnie showed up.

Niklaus' Witch looked toward Bonnie cautiously.

Bonnie came down the hillside chanting a spell making the torches lining the way as she walked closer to Niklaus.

Before the other Witch could even lift her hand to attack Bonnie, Damon appeared out of nowhere snapping her neck, killing her instantly. He then knelt next to Elena picking her up before rushing away

"No!" Nik yelled enraged as he noticed Bonnie "You were dead!" Bonnie paid no attention as she continued chanting.

Seeing my cousin in pain even if I wanted him wasn't a nice scene. I tried to tune down his screaming as his body contorted into painful shapes as his werewolf side was awakening, leaving his body in a weak state.

Stefan was as well near Niklaus, watching him as Bonnie continued chanting to put him down, taking advantage of his weak form. Stefan had stayed because he wanted to see Niklaus dying for himself but he had been stabbed with a broken stake in his back.

Niklaus writhed in the ground, screaming in pain as the wind picked up violently.

Elijah rushed out of the hill, approaching a pained Niklaus.

Bonnie stopped chanting, lowering her hand but keeping her guard up.

"Elijah?" Niklaus whispered in pain, noticing his brother. I rushed down there, stopping next to Stefan and pulling the broken stake out of his back and helping him stand up. Stefan groaned in pain as his wound slowly began to heal. At the sound, Niklaus flickered his eyes toward us, meeting my eyes for the first time in almost 15 years, "Klary?" He whispered in surprise.

I glared at him, my grip on the broken stake tightening, forcing a smirk.

"Hello, brother" Elijah greeted coldly before punching a hand into Niklaus' chest, taking a hold of his heart. "In the name of our Family, Niklaus..." He hissed, twisting his heart making him groan in pain.

I watched nervously, ignoring Bonnie's eyes as she looked between me and Elijah. 

"I didn't bury them at the sea!" Niklaus blurted out gasping in pain.

My eyes widened, immediately looking at Niklaus again.

"What?" Elijah and I whispered incredulously.

Stefan looked between me and Elijah, nervous and desperately

"Their bodies are safe" Niklaus whispered breathlessly "If you kill me, you'll never find them"

I felt myself getting into a conflicted phase, eyes flickering between Elijah and Niklaus and Bonnie and Stefan, not knowing what to do.

Stefan grabbed my arm, forcefully turning me to face him "Don't listen to him, Klarysse" I looked down at his arm with a frown as he turned to Elijah "Elijah! Don't listen to him"

"Elijah, Klarysse" I looked up at Nik when he called my name. He was looking between me and Elijah, weakly "I can take you to them. I give you my word... Brother, cousin"

Elijah and I looked at each other, second doubting our plans to kill him. The reason we wanted him dead in the first place was because we thought he had killed the rest of our family, but now that he told us he hadn't....

Bonnie realized we were hesitating, glaring at us "Do it and I'll take the three of you"

"You'll die" Elijah told her

"I don't care" Bonnie spat, lifting her chin defiantly.

Elijah looked down at Niklaus considering his options before he slowly looked up at me, giving me a small nod. I nodded back, knowing what he was going to do. Elijah looked at Stefan and Bonnie, "I'm sorry"

Stefan and Bonnie realized we were going to betray them, horrified. "No!"

I twirled the stake in my hand before stabbing Stefan in his stomach harshly, preventing him from following after Elijah and Niklaus when they rushed away. Stefan fell to the ground groaning in pain, holding the stake and trying to take it off.

Bonnie glared at me seeing I was the only Original left in the Quarry, raising her hand to me.

I smirked "Gotta try harder than that, witchy" Bonnie looked confused, looking down at her hand when nothing happened to me. It felt a small aneurism in my head but nothing I couldn't handle, wincing a bit. "You can't stop us"

Bonnie glared harder, using both hands. This time I fell to the ground, grabbing my hand and screaming in pain.

"You'll pay for betraying us" Stefan pulled out the stake from his stomach and walked toward me, glaring at me.

When he was about to stake me, I smirked lowering my hands from the sides of my head, standing up "But you have to restrain me first" I raised my eyebrows smugly, rushing to behind Stefan and snapping his neck, letting his body fall to the ground. I turned to face Bonnie, "I'll admit, I did feel that. I'm impressed"

"How did you...?" Bonnie looked shocked and took a step away from me. Smart for her to be afraid though I wasn't going to kill her. I made a vow to Annika to never hurt any of her descendants. And I wasn't going to break my word in killing Bonnie. Bonnie and Annika were related. Bonnie was her great great... Whatever niece through her brother. And I made a vow.

"See you soon, Bonnie" I winked at her, rushing away leaving a shocked and angry Bennett witch and an unconscious vampire on my way.

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