To the Airport

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It was very early in the morning when my alarm clock rings.
Tired, I crawled out of my bed and yawned loudly. I go to my cabinet, search me some clothes out and put myself before the mirror.
Because I did not blow-dried my hair yesterday after showering, they looks now like an bird's-nest. So I brush my hair and bind them to a little bun.
After that I go to the bathroom, I brush my teeth and get dressed.


With my suitcase in my hand and headphones in my ears I'm sitting in the bus on the way to the Hamburg Airport.
I take my mobile phone out and took the song 'XOXO' from Casper. He is an german Rapper and one of my favorites. Really, he is awesome!

Part 1 (Casper):

Just don't be stressed,
shortly live down,
lying [resting] on the floor,
letting Smith-discs speak
grasping hands - talking taboo!
Depression was never bearable,
but suits us so well!
As we mix red wine and pills,
such small pupils flash!
Finally numb!
There, in the moonlight fulfil a little space
Here at home - in the lost of the world
Always live to fly,
but were born to run
and we run!

Bridge (Casper):

I tattoo your name above my heart,
with anchors, so that everyone knows where mine belongs to
A lighthouse aside,
no matter how foggy, it beacons me!
Swallows on the neck,
so that everyone sees how free we are!

Hook 2x (Thees Uhlmann):

We lie laughing in the remains and feel free
We are 30 foot high and rising!
Home ist there, where you're missed,
but we believe in a light, which never goes off!

Part 2 (Casper):

One day Vegas, Baby
book the flight and gone
Bet on red, are so perfectly imperfect!
The world - our bed!
Living for the day - light only from the test card,
consider children's names!
And again and again these sweet endorphin batches
flying above things,
living the songs, which we love
the plans, which we make,
inaccurately, young and stupid!
We draw the world in "higgledy-grey-dark-piggledy"*

Bridge (Casper):

I tattoo your name above my heart,
with anchors, so that everyone knows where mine belongs to
A lighthouse aside,
no matter how foggy, it beacons me!
Swallows on the neck,
so that everyone sees how free we are!

Hook 3x (Thees Uhlmann):

We lie laughing in the remains and feel free
We are 30 foot high and rising!
Home ist there, where you're missed,
but we believe in a light, which never goes off!

[originial GER
Part 1 (Casper):

Nur nicht stressen lassen,
kurz vergessen machen
Auf dem Boden liegen,
Smith-Platten sprechen lassen
An Hände fassen - reden tabu!
Depression war nie tragbar,
doch steht uns so gut!
Wie wir Rotwein und Pillen mischen,
so kleine Pupillen blitzen auf!
Endlich taub!
Dort im Mondschein erfüllt en' bisschen Raum
Hier zu Haus - im Verlorenen der Welt
Immer leben für's Fliegen,
doch sind geboren, um zu rennen
Und wir rennen!

Bridge (Casper):

Ich tätowier' mir deinen Namen über's Herz,
mit Ankern, damit jeder weiß wo meins' hingehört
'Nen Leuchtturm daneben,
egal wie neblig, es leitet mich!
Schwalben an den Hals,
dass jeder sieht wie frei wir sind!

Hook 2x (Thees Uhlmann):

Wir liegen lachend in den Trümmern und fühlen uns frei
Wir sind 30 Fuß high und steigend!
Zu Hause ist da, wo man sich vermisst,
doch wir glauben an ein Licht, das niemals erlischt!

Part 2 (Casper):

Eines Tages Vegas, Baby
Buchen den Flug und weg
Setzen auf Rot, sind so perfekt unperfekt!
Die Welt - unser Bett!
Leben in den Tag - Licht nur vom Testbild,
überlegen Kindernamen!
Und immer wieder diese süßen Endorphine-Schübe
Fliegen über den Dingen,
leben die Lieder, die wir lieben
Die Pläne, die wir schmieden,
ungenau, jung und dumm!
Wie malen uns die Welt in "kuntergraudunkelbunt"

Bridge (Casper):

Ich tätowier' mir deinen Namen über's Herz,
mit Ankern damit jeder weiß wo meins' hingehört
Nen Leuchtturm daneben,
egal wie neblig es leitet mich!
Schwalben an den Hals,
dass jeder sieht wie frei wir sind!

Hook 3x (Thees Uhlmann):

Wir liegen lachend in den Trümmern und fühlen uns frei
Wir sind 30 Fuß high und steigend!
Zu Hause ist da wo man sich vermisst,
doch wir glauben an ein Licht das niemals erlischt!]


At the Airport I take my phone out again, I turn the music off and write Virginie a message.

Who Virginie is?
Virginie is a really good friend of mine from Montreal! But I see her more like a big sister I never had. She always listen to me when I have some problems or cheer me up when I'm down!
And she is the reason why I fly to London.

Why, you ask?
Because she married in four days!
I'm so happy for her!

Her future husband's name is Harold and they met four years ago in London when Virginie was an exchange student.

I do not know Harold.
Always when I ask her things about him she said "It's a surprise!" all she had told me is, that he is very charming.
So, I'm really excited.

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