Chapter 7 - Poor Judgement

Start from the beginning

Kali thought it was odd. He wasn't trying to kill anyone; just scare them. That fact left her confused as to whether it was the killer taunting Sidney or just another practical joke, although this standard she thought was even beyond Troy and Ryan.

Kali sat outside Mr Himbry's office as Sidney was talking to him behind the door. He was ringing the Sheriff, asking what to do and no doubt it wouldn't be long until Dewey came charging through the doors in a panic.

"So, Mr. Himbry caught you, huh?" Kali asked as she turned her head to two teens sitting on the chairs next to her - Troy and Ryan.

"Shut up." Ryan mumbled, clearly not impressed with their outcome while Troy turned to her with a weak smile.

"Sorry." He said, almost sounding sincere.

"For what? Being a douchebag? You can't help it, it's part of your gender." She joked, earning her a bigger smile from Troy, but no such response for Ryan who was clearly in a bad mood. "So what happened?"

"Asshole expelled us." Ryan grumbled.

"Can't imagine why." Kali mumbled, but not loud enough for them to hear before turning to them and speaking louder this time. "That's tough, but you know Mr. Himbry; he'll probably cool down in a few days and regret it, especially this close to graduation."

"Maybe." Troy shrugged.

"I need your attention now, kids." Mr. Himbry's voice boomed out on the loudspeaker for the whole school to hear. "Due to recent events, effective immediately, all classes are suspended until further notice. The Woodsboro police department have issued a citywide curfew starting at 9 o'clock tonight."

"Mind telling us why you're here?" Troy then asked Kali, suspecting that the class suspensions had something to do with her and Sidney and rightly so as Sidney was still in Mr. Himbry's office.

"Take a wild guess." Was all Kali said as Sidney came out and she stood to greet her friend and lead her out of the office to find Tatum.

"You guys alright? Dewey told me what happened, we've been looking for you." Tatum greeted them in the hallways. The three grabbed their bags out of their lockers and then began to leave the school. "It was probably just some sick fuck having a laugh."

"No, it was him, Tatum. I know it." Sidney corrected.

"Okay, look. We're just going to stick together, the three of us." Tatum declared. "If one of us pees, we all pee. Is that clear?"

Kali was about to respond when someone came up behind her and grabbed her waist. She knew it was Stu and normally she wouldn't jump because he always did it, but under the circumstances she squealed causing him to chuckled a little as he handed her a flower from the garden and then reached over her to give one to Sidney.

"Kizool cuz kazool is izout." He joked as only Stu could. "Darlin' I don't know what you did, but on behalf on the entire student body we all say thank-you!" He yelled out.

"Stop it, Stu." Tatum demanded as he turned around and handed her a third flower.

"You know what I say?" Stu began, turning to Kali and grinning before picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder as he often did. "Impromptu party tonight, my house. Celebrate this little siesta. What do you say?" He asked, walking next to Sidney and Tatum with Kali chuckling over his shoulder.

"Are you serious?" Sidney asked.

"My parents are out of town. As long as this little vixen doesn't invite the entire world, we'll be fine." He said referring to Kali as he placed her back down on the ground, keeping hold of her hand, when in reality it was more likely to be Tatum that would invite everyone. "Intimate gathering, intimate friends?

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