Chapter Ten

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I woke up strapped to a hospital bed. The literal one for patients, not my usual one as a psychotic resident. My waist was secured with a band as it clung me tight to the mattress.

I swiftly took a 360 gaze around my surroundings. My arm was wrapped in a gauze and I can already feel the stabbing of the new stitches underneath them.

Fuck I did it again.

There was no one else in the room and I didn't know what to do now that I was awake. Have they called my parents? Are my parents furious at what I've done again? Or are they even more sad and disappointed? Would I be able to go home? I was supposed to be locked up only for one week... So my time is already running out.

I reach for the button by my bedside and press it. I know there's supposed to be a lamp placed there but I'm guessing they had it removed.

Seconds later a nurse rushes in. And to my surprise it's my favorite muted nurse. (Note my sarcasm)

"You again huh?" I scoff.

"You called for help. What is wrong?" She asked, ignoring my comment and coming up to me. She checks my bandaged arm and places her hand on my forehead.

"Why am I strapped to a bed? And what's going on?" I ask with an annoyed voice.

"Sorry Arnold. We had to do what we had to do. It's for your own safety." She says as she looks at me with sympathy. I hate that look.

"Don't look at me like that." I scowled at her.

"Your parents will be here shortly. We've just made a call. But for now someone else wants to see you." She says as she walks back out of the door.

Moments later she comes in with a small girl with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"I'll give you 10 minutes." The nurse says as she shuts the door.

"Hey Arny." She says as she sits on my bed. She's tiny and skinny so she could fit with me perfectly.

"Hey Ana." I sighed. I couldn't even move.

"Why does it feel like I haven't seen you in ages?" I ask her. She smiles at me so genuinely as she rubs my hand.

"It's been a day Arnold." She says giggling. I can't help but notice how skinnier she's gotten. Her sweat pants and sweater isn't hiding it.

"Hey Ana?"

"Hm?" She asks, still holding my hand.

"You really need to eat some more." I say. She looks at me as she's taken aback. I know she feels a bit offended but she really needs to hear it.

She chuckles shyly as she looks down to her laps.

"And you really need to stop hurting yourself." She said in return.


"So how did you even get out? I thought you weren't allowed out of the unit." I said, quickly changing the subject.

"It took a lot of pleading and begging." She said. "I even tried to take the stairway to heaven over here but I was too tired. They let me visit you eventually though. I told them maybe I could make you feel better." She says.

"You think you could make me feel better?" I asked.

"Uh...well, do I ?" She asks softly.

I rub her hand and lift them to my chest. I let my breaths cause it to rise and fall as I feel her slow pulse.

"You do." I say.

Her cheeks fill with color until we're interrupted with the same nurse Ms. Mute.

"Times up." She blurted out.

Anabelle let go of my hand as she stood back up and off the bed. "I'll see you soon." She mouthed to me as she sent me a wink. I smiled back at her.

Moments later my parents came rushing into the room, my mother as suspected filled with teary eyes.

"No mom please." I said as she came to my bed brushing my cheeks as her tears fell onto me. I know I usually don't talk to her but I can't stand her tears.

"What happened baby? Tell mommy please."

But I don't say anything. She rubs my head and messes up my already messed up bed hair. I must've looked disgusting to Ana. My dad grabs a chair and sits next to my bed. His hand resting on my good arm.

"You need to speak to us kid." He said.

I just stared out onto the ceiling. What am I supposed to say anyways? That I had an anxiety attack? That I wanted to die? That I hated the life they've given me?

You can't share your feelings with your parents. You just can't. It doesn't work that way.

"I'm fine now so stop worrying and stop crying." I finally blurted out.

My mom tried to hold in more tears as she wiped her cheeks. Her sniffles were really loud and annoying though.

"They won't let you come home." My dad finally said. My head shot back to his direction only to find him looking down to his palms.

"We're sorry kid. You're going to have to stay with them for a little longer."

I could already feel my blood boil. How long are they going to keep me here? To be fucking honest I don't think it helps. It makes things worse in fact. Being trapped in a psychiatric unit just makes you feel even more crazy and crappy about yourself. Making everything limited to you and causing you to feel trapped with no choices. It fucks you up really. Doctors are so stupid.

"We brought some more of your stuff. Maybe it'll make things more easier for you." My mom said as she points to my belongings stacked on the sofa. Including my guitar.

Judging by the amount of things she brought for me, it makes me feel like I'll be staying here for a long time.

"We've already spoke to the school and they understand completely. So there's noting to worry about k buddy?" My father says to me as he pats my arm.

"We'll be sending your homework over here for you to do. Is that okay with you?" My mother adds.

I nod. Maybe homework would actually keep me occupied in that cell hole. There really wasn't anything to do there.

Hours pass as my parents stayed with me. At the end of the day I was released only to be taken back to my unit. I bid my goodbyes to my parents as Ms. Mute carried my things.

I liked the idea of her struggling to hold it all.

I hated nurses.

And doctors.

And stupid mother fucking hospitals.

She guided me back towards my usual room and placed my bags on my bed. The lamp was gone and so was every object that could possibly be used as a weapon of any sort.

They were taking shit more serious now.

"If you need anything of start to feel anxious and angry, press the button immediately. We'll do anything to help you. Do you understand?" She said.

"Would you offer euthanasia?" I retorted.

"Arnold. If you're feeling suici-"

"Forget it just leave." I interrupted. She let out a long sigh and finally left me to my own prison cell.

I kicked my bags and luggage to the other side of the wall and fell onto my bed. I groaned into my pillow regretting every stupid thing I've ever done in my life that has led me to this worthless position.

I was never good at living a life.

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