Valentines day

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It was the day of Valentines day and I was so excited as it was my first with my boyfriend Stan. I really loved him, I just had to make sure he loved me back.

I lay there and watch him sleep. He is so cute when he sleep, it was like something had just taken over me and I was in a diffrent mind.

I slowly get out of the bed. "Yes" I thought "I did it, now I just have to walk to the bathroom" I hid his present in the cupboard, and i also wanted to look pretty when he woke up. So the first thing I did was brush my hair and put some mascara on.

As I get out his present I here him call out my name like an angel.

"Zoe" he says so sweetly.

"Yes, I coming" I quickly flush the toilet so he didn't think that I was making myself look pretty. I hide his present behind my back and hop back into bed.

While I get back into bed and hide his present under my pillow.

Stan slowly gets up and walks around to my side of the bed.

"Zoe most of the advise my dad gave me was crap, but there was one bit of advice that he told me that was true". He said so sweetly.

"Ha ha" I laugh

" He said that when you find the one you love, you will know, as you will get butterflies in your stomach and you will be over the moon to be her boyfriend"

I look into his eyes and i feel in Cinderella

He got down on one knee and said

"Zoe I truly love you with all my heart, and i feel the way my dad had explained, if you feel the same way, would you do me the honour and become my wife" He said it as if he was worried i would say no.

"Yes, of course I will" I said with a massive smile on my face, I couldn't believe that I am getting married.

When we kissed if felt like everything was perfect  and that nothing could go wrong, ever.

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