Chapter 1:

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So there is a bit of abuse in this but not highly detailed. Also cussing, but this is a 2p Hetalia fanfic, don't like it? Why are you here then?! Have fun reading.
_____= Your Name
(N/N)= Nickname you like
(H/C)= Hair Color
(E/C)= Eye Color
(Y/A)= Your Accent

Author's POV
Our story starts in the basement of an inconspicuous looking house with a forest behind it. In this basement, though it looked more like a dungeon, against one wall there was a large prison cell that looked like a cage.

Inside this cage, there was a girl (your age) years old with dirty, long (H/C) hair and ragged clothing chained to the wall and floor. There was a sound of wood banging on concrete, the basement door hitting the wall. The girls head shot up and revealed (E/C) eyes with redish-orangeish color flaming around the pupil.

Annabelle's POV
I heard the door to "my room" open and I looked up to see HIM coming down the stairs. HE walks over to the door of my cage and crouches down infront of me on the other side of the bars.

"So, feel like telling me today?" HE asks with disdain in his voice. I smirk at him, its sass time! I adopt an overly ladylike brittish accent and say "Oh why thank you for asking, I am doing quite wonderfully today. How are you? You look quite s-" I hear a loud crack and feel pain in my left arm.

I flinch and look down my arm, I see a long scratch of blood dripping down my forearm. I look back up at HIM holding a whip, smirk, take a slight Italian accent with a highly annoying tone, and say "Ow, that wasn't very gentlemanly was it?"

HE growls and roars "Stop messing with me Demon! Quit trying to use your powers to confuse and trick me with your stupid accents."

I raise my eyebrows in mock horror and surprise and widen my eyes. I adopt an offended tone and say in my normal (Y/A) accent "You just called the British accent and the Italian accent stupid!" I take a disciplining tone "Tsk tsk tsk, that's not nice."

I feel pain in my limbs and look down to see multiple whip slashes forming along my arms and legs. 'Yeah like that's new' I think.

"Just tell me and this wouldn't happen. If you just told me now i would sto-" I cut HIM off, "I have nothing to tell you idiot! I have no idea of what you want! I-" I angrily scream at HIM only to get cut off by pain on my stomach.

I lay on my side breathing hard and trying to grab my stomach with my chained hands. I glare at HIM angrily. "Do not speak to me like that Demon. I'll be back later, I have to get ready for work after all."

I growl at him then start panting. He walks away putting the whip on a table, then goes up the stairs. I hear the door open and close and sit up, flinching.

I pull slightly on the cuff on my left arm and it clinks and falls off. I grab it and slowly lower it to the wall so it doesn't make noise. I do the same to my right cuff.

I stretch then flinch at pain and grab a nearby somewhat clean rag and wrap it around my stomach area and tie it. I then grab my left leg cuff and push on a lose piece of metal near the lock. It clicks and slips off my ankle and onto the concrete floor making a small clank sound.

I stretch out my leg then look to the right cuff. The only one I haven't been able to get off. My one barrier against moving freely. I grab it and look around for any rust or cracks in the metal.

After carefully looking at the cuff for an hour I throw it down in anger. All of the chains and cuffs are old except for this one. The last older one had been rusting and had broken out of the floor so HE replaced it.

Eyes of a Demon Hetalia + Fem!Reader + 2p HetaliaWhere stories live. Discover now