Chapter four

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~Hey ya'll^_^ i'm happy that you guys like the new version! Thank you for reading my book! Well Heres the next chapter~

Freya looked around her room for something to defend herself with. The identical teacher bangers were still in the doorway watching her every move. Why the hell did they have to be twins? Why couldn't it just be one guy? Freya knew how to take down men twice her size but these guys were three times her size. She could feel the power rolling off them in waves. What the hell did they take? Freya stood tall and proud against the wall. She tried to make it look like she wasn't affected by them. One of them stepped forward and growled. 

  "How dare are you attack me, little one. Explain why you did it." He demanded.

"Because you chased after me and tried to grope me you psychotic dick!" Freya screamed. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What are you talking about? I just came back from a game, I never saw you until you decided to wreak my balls!"

"Well then it was the guy behind you. Its not my fault you guys are twins." She said. The first one looked back at his twin and snarled.

"So its your fault my balls got kicked. You stupid ass." Freya watched as the two bickered back and forth. How the hell was she supposed to get out of here? She turned her head slightly and noticed that she was in front of a window. She slowly pushed it upwards, making sure no noise could be heard.

 But somehow the twins heard the window being pushed up and looked towards her. Freya smiled innocently. The first one stepped forward again.

"What are you doing?" He asked with that deep voice of his.

"Getting a breath of fresh air. Its really hot in when two fat guys are in the room." She said with an eye roll.

The second gasped. "Are you calling me fat? Darling, I am far from."

Freya laughed. "Are you serious? Your like an hot air balloon except your not hot." The first one watched her carefully and she knew she had to do this now.

Freya pushed the window up all the way and jumped out. The twins shouted but she didn't hear them. She grabbed onto the branch and jumped down with ease. She guessed all those years of gymnastics payed off. Freya stuck her middle finger in the air and ran. She needed to get away from those two. She felt hot around them and it wasn't because of the sun. Freya slowed down once it looked like they weren't following her. She somehow ended up at the field again. The last time she was here, it didn't end well.

Shaking her head she walked over to the bleachers. She sat all the way on the top. It overlooked the forest which was beautiful. In the distance she could see an opening. It was probably a river or a meadow. Freya rested her head on the railing and watched the trees move. She closed her eyes and let the sun wash down on her face. Was she safe here? Would it happen again? Freya shook her head. No, she was in a different place, a new environment nothing could happen. They can't find her so easily. Her father made sure of that. It wasn't going to be like the last time.  

  Stepping down from the bleachers she made her way to the cafe. Unsurprisingly it was empty. She grabbed her brunch and sat down at the last table in the back. Freya turned her head just in time to see the teacher bangers heading her way. The sat down in front of her and she sighed.

"Do you want your dicks blown out again? Does that turn you guys on or something because you keep coming back." Freya said with a disapproving look.

The twins laughed. "I'm Cole, the one you met out on the field." The one with the bright baby blue eyes said with a wink.

"And I'm Cain, the innocent bystander you decided to attack." Said the one with the dark stormy grey eyes,

"If you didn't look so much like the teacher banger then you wouldn't have been taken down. Not my fault you were just standing there." Freya stated with a shrug.

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