Chapter two

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Sunlight covered her eyes making her squirm. She cracked open an eye and moaned. It was only eight o'clock on a saturday morning. Why? She hated waking up earlier then needed. Freya threw off the covers and made her way into the bathroom. She ruffled her hair as she brushed her teeth. She made sure she washed her face and used the bathroom before brushing out her hair. She threw the curled mess into a high ponytail. She had to walk to the main building to collect all the work she's missed in order to receive credits.

She also had to register herself into the system. She threw on pale skinny jeans, a white tank top, black vans, and a grey mustache hoodie. She tucked her phone into her back pocket, slipped on her hand bag, grabbed her wallet and keys before heading downstairs. She didn't need to check the ice box in order to know that there was nothing in it. She lived in a house with three guys most of her life so she knew how they worked.   She knew that they always warm up something or order out, they never actually cook unless its to impress a girl. Freya made her way to the main building. She knew she would have to buy food after collecting her work. She did not feel like eating out every day and spending money like crazy.

Freya bit her lip and noticed that the school was empty of the students. Today was the big game for the soccer and football team. The game would decide who would make it to the finals. The school felt bigger without all the students. She pushed open the main doors and stepped into the office. A middle aged woman behind the big oval desk smiled.  "Hello dear, how may I help you?" She asked.   "My name is Freya Spring and I would like to collect my schedule and to register into the school."   The lady nodded and dug around in the filing cabinet. She pulled out a green sheet along with other paper work.

  "The green sheet is the schedule. I will need you to fill out these forms and you will be register."  Freya nodded and started filled out the forms.

Her senses kicked in as her mind concentrated on the forms. She could feel the woman's eyes watching her every move. A slight smile started to form on the woman's lips and her heart accelerated. Could she be with Him? Could she be one of Them? No, such a sweet lady could never be one of them. But she had already made that assumption before and that didn't end well. She should never judge someone from there cover, that she learned the hard way. Freya quickly filled out the forms and handed it to the lady. The lady grabbed the forms but instead of grabbing the papers, she held Freya's hands. Freya stood there as the woman's eyes held confusion. 

"W-why cant I-?" She started but Freya ripped away her hands.

  "Do not attempt to touch me again or else your big ass will be deep in your throat." Freya hissed as she grabbed her schedule.

  She stomped out of the office and briskly walked to her locker. Could he already know where she was? She hid her tracks carefully and made sure no one knew her name or her face. Did her father have something to do with this? She cursed and ripped open her locker. To her surprise, study books were pilled into her locker. Freya matched the books up with her classes and smiled. At least they supplied the books for her. Freya closed her locker and made her way to her first class which was English.

As she suspected the class was empty. The teacher must have went to the game. Freya walked over to the desk and saw her name printed in a messy hand writing. Under her name held piles of work. Groaning she collected the papers and stuffed the into her hand bag. She proceeded to head to all of her other four classes before she arrived outside of the history class. She heard rustling around in the classroom so she assumed the teacher would be in the class. She gave a loud knock on the door and opened it before quickly closing it. Her heart beat wildly in her chest and she walked away from the history class. Did that just happen?

  Freya scrambled out of the main building and walked to the field. Her mind swirled with questions. What did she just see? Her mind kept going back to what she saw in the class. Her history teacher, Ms. Call was leaned over the desk without any clothes on. A very handsome man was pounding into her at a fast rate. Seeing his muscles ripple through his shirt gave her the tingles. His shaggy sun blonde hair tumbled over his eyes as her moved. He had golden skin that glowed. She couldn't see his eyes but she knew it a some kind of green or blue.  

The man looked to be about the same age of her. Rage consumed her as she remembered how pretty the teacher was. Would he ever want a girl like Freya? She quickly shook her head. She couldn't be thinking about those kind of things. She didn't understand these feelings but she knew she shouldn't be having them. Freya stood in the middle of the field and let the wind blow past her. The forest was right next to the bleachers. Freya smiled. She loved walking through the forest at night but she could never be at ease with it. She constantly watched the shadows and her blind spots. Freya stuffed her hands into her jacket pocket and closed her eyes. She loved the way the wind blew through her hair and cooled her body.

He cursed. He knew he smelled something delicious but thought nothing of it. This was now how it was supposed to be. He pulled up his pants and pushed away his history teacher. He was never one for banging a history teacher but desperate times called for desperate measures. His wolf was going crazy every since the assembly they had for the new student. He hadn't seen the girl since he was busy talking to his twin. They had both smelled her but by the time they looked, she had already slunk into the shadows. Its not like he had forced himself upon the teacher, she asked him too. He slammed the door and followed the smell of chocolate covered strawberries.

He needed to call his brother but that could wait. He followed the scent to the field and stopped. There she was. Standing in the middle of the field. From what he could tell she had a good rear end. Grinning from ear to ear, he crept up on her. Excitement bubbled in his system, it felt like he was on the hunt. On the hunt for his prey. And right now, his beautiful mate was the prey.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ PLEASE VOTE!! May I have at least ten votes before the next chapter?? And also comment:) thank you

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