Chapter three

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Freya loved the way the breeze filtered past her. She felt one with the nature. She could hear the birds chirp, the animals play, and the wind blowing through the grass and trees. She could feel someone creeping up on her. It tickled her senses and made her alert.

She turned quickly and narrowed her eyes at the guy. It was the same one from the classroom. Anger swelled in her belly as she remembered the memory. She didn't know why she jealous but this thought kept popping into her head. Freya slowly ran her eyes down his body.

She had to admit, he was very hot. His arms were bulky and built, you could see his abs through the clingy white t-shirt. His skin was golden that matched with his shaggy sun kissed hair and bright baby blue eyes. He looked like he stood at 6'2. His jaw was square and he had a roman nose. His lips were plump and juicy. He had player written all over him. His animal-like grin made her back up. Freya felt like she could trust him but she knew she really couldn't. He came closer to her, close enough to feel his breath on her neck.

In a panic she brought up her knee and kneed him straight in the dick. She balled her fist and punched him square in the nose. He dropped the ground with a groan and she took this chance to run. She ran away from the field and back to her dorm. She pushed open the front door and she screamed.

How the hell is he here before her? Wasn't he just on the ground? Freya charged forward and kicked him in the face. She punched his stomach and then under his chin. She cursed as she kicked him in the balls. She ran upstairs once he was down again. She slammed her door and locked it. Her breathing was hard and ragged. What the fuck? Freya screamed in frustration and screamed again when a loud pounding started on her door.

Freya backed up against the wall and waited for the pounding to stop. It did but then her door crashed open. Two guys stood in the door way looking pissed. They looked identical. Twins? Oh shit.

Midnight Secretsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें