Chapter Eight: Stench and Illusions

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As I approached the portal, I heard soft screams, fire, and war. I hold out my hand, then push it through, making it appear as my arm was missing. I walk fully through to witness Hell itself.

The large obsidian towers climbed all the way out of my vision, fire was wherever it pleased, and the stench of burning flesh was strong. I heard something else come through the portal, so I turn my head to see it. I see Dom's hand flipping everything off with his middle finger. As he walks through, I see him recoil from the stench. Amanda follows him through the portal, and her face instantly turns green. She immediately heads off towards my right, bends over, and vomits.

"Holy shit... What's that stench!?" She yells.

"The smell of evil... Or something." Dom replies. I look around a bit, trying to think of where my father could be.

"Do any of you have a general idea where Clayton might be?" I ask. Dom looks around, then points behind us towards a large, sheer cliff.

"If nothing's up there, then we'd most likely be able to see what we need." He says calmly. I start walking towards the cliff to examine the rock, when I start hearing a low hum. The sound slowly grows louder the closer I got to the cliff. I take off my right gauntlet, and my hand across the stone. It felt soft and pillow-like for some reason. I turn around to face Dom.

"Dom, come check this stone." I call to him. I didn't hear a response. Instead, I hear him sprinting behind me. I turn around, to see him charging headfirst towards the wall. I quickly step out of the way, just before he jumps and bashes the wall with his shoulder. Instead of him crashing into a cliff, he opened a doorway that was hidden behind an illusionary wall.

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