Chapter 3

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"So, what are you going to make me do?" Collin said. He was throwing around a pencil.
"What?" I questioned.
"You know, you went on the date and now i have to do something for you."
"Oh, yeah," i had completely forgotten about it. I was going to make him come to school in a bikini. But I've decided to do something else.

"Let me come over," i said focusing on the paper on my desk.
"You want to come to my house?" He says.
"Yeah," i looked over at him, "is that a big deal?"
"No, no. I just thought you were going to like tell me to do something embarrassing," he ran a hand through his hair. I nodded my head.
"Yeah, you can. Tonight i guess," he clasps his hands in front of himself.

I smile at him and get back to work. I could feel eyes burning holes in the back of my head. I turn around an meet face to face with Angel.
"What?!" I stare at her.
"Who is this?" She glares at me.
"Its Collin, you know him," I tap my pencil on the desk.
"I know of him. Why are you talking to him though? You never hang out with the popular people." She grabs my face, "are you OK?"
I smack her hands away, "Yes. I'm fine," I turn around, "and I still don't hang out with the popular people. Just Collin."
"But who is he to you?" She questions me and pushes my back.
"A friend. Thats all," i reply to get her off my back.

The bell rings after ten long minuets of silence. Collin gets up and i follow after him lacing my fingers in his. I can tell Angel will be on me again after what i just did.

Collin and I get stares and whispers, as we are the new couple everyone is going to be focused on. We smile and people stare. He says goodbye and kisses my cheek as i depart for English. Everyone erupts into a commotion and rave about the new couple.

I sit down in my seat towards the back and place a gentle hand on my cheek. The burning sensation starts and i don't realize I'm blushing for a few minuets.
"You and Collin, huh?" I heard a voice come from beside me.
"What?" I say glancing sideways.
"You and Collin, dating, right?" She repeats. I realize its Abby, the most popular girl in school.

My eyes go wide as i try to focus on the teacher. She wanted to date him, I'm sure. Then i stepped in and took him.
"No," i say sheepishly.
"Dont worry about it," she smiled at me, "i think you two are cute."
I just nodded. I pulled my hair to one side so i cant see her.

The class felt like it dragged on forever, but when it finally ended i was the first out. I went to Collin's class and waited for him.

I got on my phone outside the door.
"Oh there you are!" Collin smiled and held me in his arms and we walked to the cars together.

We kissed and parted ways. I got in my can and turned the keys. I drove off to the house and open the door.
"Jinny!" A panicked scream came from across the room. I dropped my bags and rushed into the kitchen.

What i saw was my worst nightmare. My dad, on the floor, dying. His pulse was weak and his breath shallow.
"Eliot," i said as calmly as possible, "call 911 now."


Ooh plot twist!

Sorry i forgot about writing. I'll try to be more on top of my stories.

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Try to update frequently!

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