The Lion's thick mane flattened a bit, incisors shrinking. He straightened, glancing at the trees where he'd seen her look before gesturing for them to stay where they were. Cat sighed, turning to Maxx and Sheeba.

"Now, I'm pretty sure I'll have to go in by myself, and if that's the case I'd like you two to go find Wolfe. I know he can hear me, and I want to tell him I'm sorry for leaving without saying anything, but I want to make sure you're both safe." My wolf ears flattened against my head, anger beating at me. 

How dare she assume I'd just let her waltz in there without providing her some protection. If those two idiots were in danger and so was she, there'd not even be a choice. 

"We can't do that, we have to be here with you in case something happens." Maxx protested. 

Cat shook her head, hands on her hips. 

"I can't afford to be worrying about you both while I'm in there. Wolfe will protect you. I know he will keep you safe." 

I scowled at her, knowing she couldn't see me but still needing some way to show my disapproval. I might be able to protect them, but that definitely didin't mean I wanted to. Though she somehow knew that using the implied "I trust him" would make me do it, no matter how much I didn't want to. They'd go in with me if I had to extract her from the situation, but I'd make sure they stayed sage. 

I'd get her back for it when we got back to her house. 

Maxx gritted his teeth, and Sheeba whined. 


She smiled, just enough to make my breath catch in my chest. God, she was gorgeous. 

The Lion, now glaring intently at her, told her to follow him while the others waited. She walked into the tent after him, resignation written plainly on her face. She glanced at me one last time, and then disappeared into the tent. I moved the scope a bit, watching a grumbling Maxx and an excited Sheeba follow my scent to where I lay. Certain they'd find me soon, I refocused on the tent, using my hearing to determine what was happening inside the tent. 

"You realize that I can't pardon you." an old, gruff voice muttered. 

The whisper of cloth and creaking of a chair. 

"I'm aware of that. But the problem is, I can't afford to have this bounty on my head. Neither can my mate. Banish me from the Pride, tell me I can never return, but rescind the bounty." 

A harsh laugh.

"I can't do that, pup. You knew what the consequences would be when you made the mistake, and now you must own up to it." 

"I didn't do anything! I was framed! Beyond that, it's rediculous to  use that as an excuse. You want me gone because the females are uncomfortable having someone more powerful than they in the Pride. Fine, allow me to leave and never return." 

The crunch of leaves and the scent of Lion moving toward me made me grab my knife, glancing toward the direction of the noise. It might be Maxx, it might be a patrol. Until they came into view, I had no way of knowing as Maxx's scent hadn't been imprinted yet. 

"They're going to kill her." Maxx's voice whispered, "That old man isn't going to let her go." 

I nodded, gesturing for him to sit beside me. 

"I won't let them so much as touch her. She is my mate, and therefore under my protection. I will die before anything happens." 

Maxx grunted, then looked around him at the array of weapons laid out around him. 

"Jesus, you came prepared, didn't you?"

I refocused on the tent, unconcerned with him.

"She will not die."

"Do you have anything else you need to say?" The old man's voice grumbled, and the snarl and snap of jaws caught my attention. Outside of the tent, various half-shifted males and females were surrounding them, tales swishing and teeth elongating. It seemed Cat noticed as well, for she suddenly muttered, "fuck it", and I could hear the hiss as a knife was pulled from its sheathe. 

"Shit." I muttered, handing Maxx a machine gun, "Get ready."

The dull thud from inside the tent was heard all around, even by the children playing in the courtyard. 

The growls turned to roars, and several of the cats lunged at the fabric, slashing with claws until they could get inside. I picked a few off with my rifle, certain I wasn't going to be able to do as much as I'd like, and grabbed my Katana. With a whispered prayer, I charged down to the mass of Lions, hearing the yelps of a cornered wolf echo in my ears as I went.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2014 ⏰

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