Chapter 6

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Sorry its been a while since I uploaded and this chapter is short. 

I didn’t have to wonder where Curtis was this morning. I already knew he had to be in the studio today. I picked up my phone sent him a quick ‘Good Morning’ text. I got up and started my morning routine. 

We have been in New York for about a week now. He has taken me to see everything. I don’t mean the tourist attraction. I got to see HIS New York.  He took me to his old neighborhood in South Jamaica Queens. I got to see the house he grew up in and the boxing gym he use to attend. He has been introducing me to all of his family and friends. I loved the way the community seemed to treat him as Curtis and not 50 Cent.

The constant ring of my phone snapped me out of my day dream. I was just stepping out of the shower when my phone started to ring. I tucked my towel firmly under my arms as I exited the bathroom. 

Walking over to the night stand and I answered it seeing that it was Asia. We have been calling each other Pooh Bear since I was eight and she was nine. “Hi Pooh! How are things going?” Asia is the same cousin that helped save my life at my house warming. I shuddered slightly at the memory of that day. There was no sound on the other end. I checked the phone to be sure the call was still connected. “Hello.” I semi-yelled into the phone. “Pooh Bear?” Asia sniffled. “Oh my god, what happened?” I almost whispered into the phone. “You have to come home. Its mom.” I can hear the pain in her voice as she spoke. “W-what happened to Mom Asia?” I croaked as the tears began to spill over. There was another sniffle as she spoke again. “There was a car accident Pooh Bear. She’s on life support and the doctors aren’t hopeful that she will make it through the night. You have to come home.” My mom had taken Asia in after her mom died of cancer when I was six. I never said MY mom to her, not ever. I sat down the bed. “I will be there as soon as I can.” I whispered and hung up the phone. 

The tears were like a steady stream now. I pulled up from the bed slowly. Life support. The words just kept running over and over in my head. I knew what that meant. I have had plenty of loss in my life. Starting with my Dad. I got dressed and called a cab. I considered calling Curtis but he need to work on his new record. I wrote him a note and stuck it to the frig with a magnet. I knew he would be upset at me.

The flight to Texas was too long for me. I fidgeted and bounced in my seat trying to will the plane to go faster. Asia was waiting there when I landed. After we got my luggage we went straight to the hospital. 

Mom was taken off of life support three days ago. She was able to breathe on her own for a day before she past away. Mom being the woman she is had already taken precautions. The only thing I did was present the death certificate to the lawyer. 

I hadn’t called Curtis because I knew he was busy. He sent a text giving his condolences and sent flowers for the entire funeral. It must have been Asia who told him. I was sitting here, in the first pew, next to Asia. We were at Golden Gate in Dallas. The same place my Dad’s funeral was held. The emotion of it all came over me and the tears wouldn’t stay at bay. I felt like an orphan. I was crying into my tissue covered hands. I could feel Asia get up and someone else sat next to me. I could smell his cologne before his arms went around me and pulled me into his chest. “Its okay Myk let it out.” 

Curtis was patient with me all day long. He held me at the burial site and at the house when everyone came over to give their condolences. I could tell that he was upset about something though. I could see it in his body language and eyes. 

Later that night we sat on the couch in my moms living room. He was watching television while I ate ice cream. “So why didn’t YOU call me and tell me what happened?” He never turned away from the TV. 

“You were busy.” Was my only response. Sensing that was not the end of the conversation I got up. Now I know what he had been upset about. I walked into the kitchen and put it into the freezer. 

When I turned around he was standing right there. I gasped. “You just ran off like I don’t mean a thing to you.” His hands went up and cupped my face as he stepped into me more. “I care about you so much. Me being busy is not a good reason. You think I let you into my world for some kind of fling?” I could tell he meant every word. 

I took a deep breath trying to stop the tears. I grabbed the sides of his shirt and pulled him the rest of the way to me. I looked into his eyes as he slid is fingers into my hair. “I‘m sorry. I don’t want you to feel like I don’t care about you. Truth is I‘m falling for you. I honestly thought I was doing the right thing. You needed to work. It wont happen again.” I stepped up on my sock covered tip toes and kissed him lightly once. I laid my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me. Then the doorbell rang

Neither of us moved an inch. I could hear Asia heading over to the door. “I got it.” There was a minute of silence. Then I could hear a number of people come into the house.

“Kaela where you at.” Lenny called out. “We’re in the kitchen.” I shouted out. Curtis pulled back slightly as Lenny appeared. “Hey Curtis. How’s it going?” “Alright, how are you?” Lenny just shrugged. “Hey Kaela you remember my friend Carlo, right?” Carlo stepped into the kitchen right behind Asia. Of course I remember Carlo, he was my first love.

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