Chapter 4- Troubled Thoughts and a Self-Esteem to Match

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Patrick's POV

I made it just in time to my fourth hour class, Evolution of Music Theory. Everyone was staring at me like I murdered someone, so I quickly made my way to the seat at the very back of the classroom. When I sat down, I noticed the kid that usually sat next to the guy with read hair which wasn't there. He usually had headphones in and only talked to that one guy, but he actually looked like he was paying attention. I noticed he was wearing eyeliner, but he could pull it off quite well. He looked pretty damn hot actually. Wait, did I just say that?

"Take a picture, it lasts longer." I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up to see him looking at me with a smirk. My cheeks were probably the color of a strawberry and I looked down at my desk. "Don't be shy beautiful, I don't bite." The teacher walked in before I could say anything, although I wouldn't know what to say even if he hadn't walked in.

I couldn't concentrate the rest of class because I could just see him glancing my way and smirking at me through the corner of my eye. All I could think about was his smirk, how his lips upturned, how they would feel against mine, soft yet rough. Oh god, what the hell am I thinking? I'm getting all hot and bothered about a guy smirking at me who's probably straight and is looking for a good laugh.

I mean I'm not in the closet anymore. I came out to my friends Joe and Andy in the 7th grade and they didn't mind. No one else really cared, but it wouldn't surprise me if someone wanted to make fun of the fat fag who couldn't run to save his life. I felt a tap on my shoulder to see him looking down at me. "Uh hey, the bell rang man." "Oh, t-t-thanks." I blushed and grabbed my bag under the desk. I can't believe I just stuttered in front of him. He probably thinks I'm stupid now. I rushed out of the classroom, not looking back. God, I'm such an idiot

Pete's POV

I stood in the classroom, just staring at the door. I don't know why, but that little ball of adorableness was having a huge effect on me. Everytime he blushed, my heart skipped a beat. I loved how my stares affected him, but all those little things he did affected me just as much. I knew he was in my class, but sitting next to him today made me realize how cute he was. Gerard skipping class today to see Frank was a true blessing. I have to sit next to him now. I have to get to know him more. I need to know his name...

A/N: I'm so sorry I haven't updated until now. I meant to update two days ago, but I was crazy busy with homework and work .-. I'm also sorry this chapter is so short and very shitty. I had to write this last minute, but I really wanted to update for you guys. I have an idea where I want this story to go, but please bear with me. I promise it'll get better. Thanks for reading and I love you all so much!

All the love, Kaley <3 

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