Christian Grey

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A/N: I may not do too good on Christian's part. Please forgive me. I'm soo new to this. Thank you. ♡♡

I kept shouting her name as she laid in my arms. What's happening.. Calm down Grey. I breathed in sharply, out quickly. I struggle to get the BlackBerry out of my pocket. Once when I do, I call Taylor. "Taylor.. get the car ready quickly.. yes.. Miss Steele had collapsed and I need help... yes, Taylor! Hurry the fuck up!" I snapped and ended the call.

I shoved my phone in my back pocket, slowly picking up Ana. Ana.. Her name kept ringing in my head. She probably hasn't eaten, stupid idiot.

And she always wonders why I have big problems about food. I sighed as I got to the elevator and pressed the first floor. Come on.. My subconscious was pissed at me. Damn, I was pissed at me. At Ana.

She's so light.. and before I know it. Light tears stream down my face. What's this..? I haven't cried in a long time.. What is this woman doing to me. I lay my head on hers just before reaching the first floor, quickly leaving the elevator.

I practically run to the car that Taylor has opened the door for. I gently sat down and laid her on me. No time to buckle up. I trust Taylor. I always have. As Taylor got into the car, I feel Ana's head. Fuck! She's heating up. BADLY. Stress? Dehydration? Hunger?

H u n g e r...

Mt eyes widen. "No.." I whisper very quietly to myself. This is not okay. Definitely. Not. Okay.

I began to panic while remembering a bit of my childhood. Food..

Finally, we reach the hospital and I quickly get out, carrying Ana along the way. As I run inside, I instantly shout, "I have an emergency! Help me!" I'm probably over reacting. I have never.. wait.

My world stops. Grey, GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF. YOU'RE 27.

My chest hurts and my eyes stay wide while they take Ana from my arms. I snap out of it when I realize she's gone. "Ana!" I try chasing after her, but two nurses hold me back. How? My subconscious snorts. Don't you fucking start..

"Let me the fuck go and see my girlfriend!" He shout more and Taylor runs to me. "Mr. Grey, calm down please." His tone is firm and straight forward, but calm. I stop and yank myself from the two nurses. I sigh and walk to sit on one of the waiting chairs.

What's wrong with her!? My mind keeps screaming at me.

I closed my eyes and started to sleep softly. Woah, was I tired? Obviously.. I guess I haven't been sleeping enough. I begin to dream about Ana.


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