11 Trust... and a Change of Luck

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His head hurt. It felt like he was waking up with a hangover. His entire body hurt. Sore. He felt raw and sore. It wasn't the type of sore that he liked either. This was like the sick hangover that he avoided by not drinking to excess.

But... even as his head was pounding and his body hurt... he was warm and there was a soothing gentle touch rubbing slow circles into his back. It felt nice.

Sky realized that he was laying against someone. He could feel the steady feel of their chest expanding as they breath.

Sniffling because his nose was stuffed up he blinked his eyes slowly open and he realized he was drooling on Isaac's very nice expensive looking suit.

Jolting to sitting up he gasped and wiped at his mouth and chin and then whimpered in shame "Oh no... I am so sorry. I... I ruined your suit!" He tried to wipe at the drool on Isaac's chest with his own shirt but strong warm hands slowly took hold of his wrists.

"Hush now Pup. It is nothing. You didn't hurt it. It can be cleaned. Take a deep breath." Isaac's calm commanding voice was gentle yet firm.

Skyler blushed deeply as he kept his head bowed and took a deep breath as his wrists were held captive by those strong calloused hands. He remembered why he was waking up like this and his blush turned into a full body flush of shame. His body tensed. "Oh no..." Shaking his head he stuttered trying to mend the damage he had just done to his own image. "I am not... not a crybaby! I am not like this I don't cry like some pathetic-"


Skyler jumped and his head spun to see Vincent standing up from the couch just a few feet away. He still had that stoic unreadable expression but his voice had sounded so angry. Then calmly he said with a deep and growling demand in his voice. "You will not ever call yourself pathetic ever again. Do you understand?"

Skyler blinked up at him wide eyed and shocked. His lips parted and wide awake. "Y-yes Sir."

Isaac asked him "How are you feeling Pup?" His voice was quiet and gentle and there was a little smile on his lips as he let go of his wrists and then brushed hair out of his face.

Skyler swallowed with a sore throat and answered truthfully. "Like... like I am hungover." He felt Isaac's arm wrap around his waist and keep him on his lap.

Vincent made a growling noise low in his throat and then he was walking out of the room and moving with purpose. Skyler frowned. Had he done something wrong?

Isaac gave a little chuckle and turned his chin so he was forced to look at him. "You are fine sweet Pup. Do you feel rested? You were asleep for an hour and a half."

Blushing again he mumbled "I guess a little. Sorry I fell asleep on you Sir."

Isaac gave him a little smile and caressed his cheek. "I am not sorry. I am happy I got to hold you as you slept Pup." The little smile to his lips turned down as he went on with a little worry in his deep voice. "Skyler... I understand you feel embarrassed for crying in front of Vincent and I, but I want you to know that it was actually a good thing. I think you very much needed to let it out. And I am glad you were in a safe place when it happened." His fingers were softly running through Skyler's hair and it made his eyes slowly close in relief.

"You... you don't think I acted like a little kid crying all over you?" Skyler opened his eyes to watch Isaac's reaction.

"No Pup. Not at all you needed it." Isaac continued to rub his back.

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