I Promise ch4

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this is Alex's pov BTW


Drake walked Alex to her door and..............




(BTW Alex and Drake also exchanged numbers)


Drake locks eye's with Alex's,They both lean in and have a quick kiss,but just before they pull away....Alex's mom open's the door."shit" Alex thought to herself,They pull away and....."Alex your home,come inside" said my mom..this is not gonna go to well...Drake walked home after my mom said that.


I walk inside,I run upstairs before my mom can even talk to me,I open my door and there's my mom folding the laundry.


A(Alex) M (Mom)

M "Alex"

A "yeah mom"

M "who was that boy??"

A "Emm that was Drake"

M "Oh okay and why did you kiss him"

A "well emm he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yeah"

M "Okay now I dont mind you having a boyfriend but I do want you to tell your dad,before he finds out himself"

A "yeah sure".

M "thanks sweety"


My mom walked out of my room.OMG that was easy,she didnt say that I couldnt have a boyfriend till I was 16 think's changed,oh well Im happy now.My back pocket started to vibrate.I took out my phone,its a text from Drake.


-convo- A (Alex) D(Drake)

D "Hey babe,what did your mom say".

A "nothin really,she didnt mind but she wants me to tell my dad"

D "Okay,I told my parents too there cool with it".

A "yeah yeah"

D "I already miss you"

A "aww I miss you to"

D "ha so what are you doing"

A "nothin wbu"

D "same,wish u where here with me".

A "me too :)"

D "yeah ;)"

A "Okay well Im gettin tired Imma go sleep"

D "okay babe,sleep well"

A "I will you to nite nite"

D "nite :)".


Next Day-Sunday

I woke up at 11 am,thats usually late for me,Im always up at 6 jogging.So I go over to my closet and change into this:




My alarm on my phone went off,It said "Band Practise 6:30"..I almost forgot,crap.I put my hair in a messy bun and didn't bother to put make up on..


I ran downstairs,got my breakfast and my mom told me to tell dad about Drake...You can do this Alex,its easy...


A (Alex) D (Dad)

A "dad"

D "yes,Alex"

A "I need to tell you somethin,so here it goes.......I have a......boyfriend"

D "really Alex'

A "yep"

D "that's fine with me as long as he comes over here for dinner"

A "yeah no prob"

D "wait whats his name"

A "Drake"

D "okay"


This is really freaking me out why are my parents okay with me and Drake...This is kinda weird..."I am confident but I still have my moment baby thats just me" My phone was ringing..I looked at the caller Id "Drake ;)" it said.I answered it.


A (Alex) D (Drake)

D "good mornin' beautiful"

A"Hey Drake whats up"

D "nothin em I was wonderin you wanna come over today my mom and dad want to meet you"

A "yeah sounds awesome,oh my dad said ok and he wants to meet you"

D "awesome,this is great then"

A "yuppers,so what time"

D "emm 2pm is that ok"

A "yeah sure"

D "awesome I'll see you soon"...


I wasnt bothered to change again so I stayed in what I was wearing already...I decided to watch tv to pass the time....tick tok tik tok tick tok.finally 2...I told my mom I be at Drake's till 4 she said "ok sweety remember band practise at 6"...I got into my awesome car and drove to Drake's house.



Drake's pov

My mom had the food ready,she placed it on the table,everythin was set...My dad was pouring out the drinks which was water...I looked out the window and seen Alex pull up...I walked to the door to answer it.


A (Alex) D (Drake)

D "Hey" I said and gave Alex a hug.

A "Hey" she hugged back.

I took Alex's hand and lead her to the dining room.where my parents were wating."You ready" I asked her."yeah" she replied.We both walked in and..............


Stay tuned for

I Promise ch5

coming soon

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