Chapter 2

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*****Niall's POV*****

***1 week later***

I sit with Elle after changing her nappy or pull up, whatever it is, watching Inside Out. Somebody walks in and I turn to see Uncle Simon. Elle peeks up and instantly burrows into my side. "Niall, get over here now with the kid!" He snaps. I lift Elle up and head over to Simon. He grabs Elle and looks at the big dark bruise on her face. "HARRY, LIAM AND LOUIS GET DOWN HERE NOW!!" Si screams. I hear them running and watch as they run downstairs. "What happened to her face?!" He snaps showing us Elle. "Well. As we were leaving the centre after adopting William, James and Sydney. A police car pulled up outside and the officer carried her out, she had the bruise then. William saw her and ran over, James close behind after saying that was their three year old sister. We thought it over and adopted her, so she didn't lose her family." Liam explains. Simon nods and pats Elle's hair. "What's going on?" Will asks, as he and James run down. "Uncle Simon was just visiting and saw Elle's bruise. He was just concerned." Harry says, hugging them and they nod. I watch as Elle leans against Si and drifts off to sleep. "I better take her up for a nap." I say, taking her sleeping form and taking her upstairs.

Somebody bangs on the front door and everyone runs to it. Liam swings it open to reveal a couple and Elle starts screaming. "Who are you?" Harry asks. I stare at the boys and see them hiding behind me. "We're here for our children. I have a gun that I'm not afraid to use." The man snaps. "You're meant to be in jail! How are you out?!" James cries. I stare at the boys. "What did they do to you?" I ask. The boys lift the hem of their shirts to reveal scars and fading bruises. "Please, give our children back and we'll be forever grateful?" The woman begs. I sigh and Harry slams the door. "Call Paul and the police." Louis says, taking the kids upstairs.

***1 month later***

I carry Elle into the photo shoot area and Lou runs over. "Yay! You brought Ellie! Let's get started!" She says, taking Elle and dragging us around. I'm shoved a shirt and pants with a pair of shoes. "I haven't seen these clothes for years Lou! How could you steal them?!" I cry hugging me old clothing style. The twins stare at me and run away. I watch as Elle is placed down and she takes off running. "Will! James! Wait for me!" She cries out. I laugh as they start running towards her. "Sibling love. Am I right?" I say. Everyone laughs and nods.

I walk around trying to find the kids and hear yelling. "Don't go up there, James!"Will yells. I hear a smash and run towards them. I turn the corner to see James hanging from a handle leading to trapdoor above. I run forward and pull him down. "What were you thinking James?! You could've been hurt!" I yell, slinging him over my shoulder. Will and Elle follow me as I walk back to the others. As I reach them, Harry takes James and places him down. "What did he do?" He asks. "Well, let's see. I went to find them and when I did James was hanging from that trapdoor down that hallway that has faulty lights." I say. They scowl and we quickly leave.

I lay in my bed when my door opens and someone slips in. I flash my phone at them and see Elle walking over. I pull her under the covers and hug her. "What's wrong Elle?" I whisper. "I has a night ghost." She whispers back. I stare at her in confusion. "Not ghost, mare." She corrects herself. I nod and kiss her forehead lightly.

I carry Elle as she giggles loudly. "How does the song go again, Elle?" I ask tossing her a little bit into the air and catching her. "Keep my eyes opon!" She squeals. I laugh and shake my head. "Keep your eyes open." I say, opening my umbrella. "KEEP MY EYES OPON!" She screams out. People turn and stare at us. I quicken my pace and head away from the judgemental looks of the public. I run into someone and they fall to the ground, Elle landing on top of them. I gasp and lift Elle into my arms before helping the lady up. "Taylor? Are you okay?" I ask, seeing her tear stained cheeks. She wipes her tears away and shakes her head. "Calvin just broke up with me." She cries. Elle reaches her arm out to Taylor for a hug, which she gratefully accepts.

I wrap a blanket around Taylor as she sits on the couch. Elle climbs onto her lap and cuddles into Taylor. "So, what happened with Calvin?" I ask. "He got mad at other a stupid little thing Meredith did." She says. "What did she do?" Elle asks. "Clawed and scratched his face. Then when I tried to help stop the bleeding he dumped me." Taylor cries. I rub her back soothingly as Elle wipes away her tears. The door opens and slams shut. "What the hell is she doing in the house?!" Harry yells as he walks in. "Hazzy! Be nwice! She cries!" Elle yells at him. He scoffs and runs out.

I lead Taylor up to the guest room beside Elle's room. "Elle, Liam and I will go get your things, Meredith and Olivia from your place. You stay here and get some rest. We'll see you soon." I say tucking Taylor in under the covers. She nods and tells me the address. I carry Elle out and we head to the car where Liam waits. "I think what you're doing is great Niall. I'm proud of you." Liam smiles driving to Taylor's place.

I laugh as Meredith walks over to Elle. She kneels down and pats the cat. Olivia bounds over from her hiding spot and over to join the patting session. "WHAT THE FU-" Calvin yells, walking in. But as he goes to swear, Liam clamps his hand over the man's mouth and points to Elle. "We're picking Taylor's things up for her. She's resting after what you did to her." I state, staring at the cuts on his face. "Well, tell your kid to get away from the devil dick cat!" He snaps and storms out.

Liam and I place Taylor's bags down by the closest and head out to check on Elle. I see her laying on the ground giggling as Meredith and Olivia laying on her. "Can we get a kitten, Dad-Dee?" She giggles. I smile and lift the cats off of her. "Sure Elle. There's a pet shop down the road. Let's get James and Will, then we can go." I say, helping her to her feet. She squeals and runs off to find them.

We step into the shop and we head over to the kitten pen. Elle's eyes widen at the small black kittens curled together in the corner. "I see your daughter has taken a liking to the triplet kittens. They have opened their eyes yet, but they are at the right age to be bought. They're at a very low price because I don't want you to pay for all three at normal price, because that would be a lot. Talk to your sons and see what they think." The shop keeper says. I call over to Will and James and they walk over from the toys. "What do you think of the three black kittens over there?" I ask, pointing them out. Their eyes widen and they furiously nod in agreement. I call out to the shop keeper and she grabs a pet carrier while we grab a few other things.

We step inside the house to see Taylor sitting with Olivia. "Meredith!" Elle squeals and runs over to the cat as the boys head off elsewhere. Meredith's head perks up as Elle sits bedside her and strokes her back. "I set the carrier down in the doorway and Taylor walks over. "What did you get?" She asks looking at the carrier. "Kittens!" Elle squeals and runs over. She opens it and I lift one of the little black kittens out. "Niall? Is that what I think it is?" Harry asks from behind us. I turn and hold the kitten up. His eyes widen and I pass the kitten to Elle. "Dad-Dee, it's eyes are open." Elle says. I turn and see the kitten's blue eyes looking up at Elle. I pull the other kittens out and see their eyes open too. "NIALL JAMES HORAN! YOU DID NOT BUY THREE FUCKING KITTENS!" Liam screams. My eyes widen in shock and turn turn to Elle. "FUCKING BITCHING DICK!" She screams out, placing the kitten down. "What did she just say?" Louis asks, walking over. "Fucking Bitching Dick. She learnt Bitching from She's Kinda Hot, Dick from Calvin earlier today and Fucking from me just now." Liam says. I pass the kittens in my arms to Harry before lifting the other kitten off the floor and passing it to Louis. I run after Elle and see her sleeping against the sliding door that leads outside. I run over and lift her up, carrying her upstairs for her nap.

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