Chapter 15: Good To Have Known You

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Phil's POV

Today is my last day with Dan. It all went by so fast. I feel like this is my fault. Who am I kidding? It IS my fault. If I didn't get drunk at that party we wouldn't be in this mess.

Dan's POV

Phil feels so guilty. It's not his fault. This was MY choice. I'm doing this for Phil's sake. If only I could tell him.

Phil's POV

Why Dan? Dan out of all people. Dan doesn't deserve to die. Why can't someone who deserves to die die? Like criminals. They should die. At least let me die instead. I deserve to die. I cause all of these problems and Dan is being punished for them. If Dan dies think of all the people he would have left. All these people that care about him. Dan's danosaurs, friends, and family. Each group would care.

I wrapped my arms around Dan and muttered "good to have known you" before we both fell asleep.


I know Dan is dead. When I woke up I called an ambulance and they drove Dan to the hospital as I sobbed.


I watched them lower Dan's casket into the ground, taking Dan's body away from me.

Dan's POV

I was thrown into a basement by Phil's dad. He always hatted me. He thought I would turn Phil gay, and I guess I did. I was eather letting them take me away from Phil or hm killing Phil. Now I'm his slave.

"I'm sorry for leaving you Phil"



Thank you for reading guys! There IS going to be a sequal. For those of you who are confused Dan IS alive. This was my plan all of along.


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