"Ben?" A silent whisper behind him. Anakin turned, uncomprehending that he was looking at an actual ​ghost​, to see Luke staring at the spirit with what looked like an angry expression. "Why didn't you tell me!? You said Vader betrayed and murdered my father!"

The ghost sighed, avoiding eye contact with the furious boy. 'He has your temper, Anakin.' ​The old man's voice echoed in Anakin's head. He blanched, his grip on his saber wavering as he stared at the man Luke called 'Ben'.

"Obi­-Wan?" He whispered, fighting tears. Obi-Wan was dead in the future and he wasn't even that old. Which meant he must've been killed...

"Luke..." Obi­-Wan began, unsure what to say. He had hated lying to the boy, but the truth was not ready to be revealed to him at that point in time. But now that Anakin was here, the real​ Anakin he knew as a student, a brother, and a friend, he had a better sense of hope that the Force would set things right...it had to. "Your father was seduced by the Dark Side of the Force. He ceased to be Anakin Skywalker and became Darth Vader. When that happened, the good man who was your father was destroyed. So what I have told you was true...from a certain point of view."

Anakin took in the story in silence, still not able to take his eyes off his former teacher. Obi-Wan's eyes glided to him for a moment, giving him a sad smile. 'And now you know what really happened...my very young apprentice.'

'But I don't know everything! Master, what happened to me?' Anakin returned mentally, fighting frustrated tears.

'Anakin, I know you're confused, but you must trust me. Luke's destiny will help shape yours...I am sure you know of his relation to you by this point?' Obi-Wan sent mentally, raising an eyebrow.

'Yes...my son. And I do trust you Master, it's just...how can this be the future?' Anakin asked desperately.

'I ask myself the same thing young one.' Obi-Wan said grimly. He turned back to Luke, who was eyeing Anakin and the ghost suspiciously.

"You two know each other, don't you?" Luke asked, his expression saying that he wouldn't tolerate anymore lying. "I've waited long enough, why can't you tell me who you are exactly?" Luke snapped at Anakin.

Anakin looked at Obi-Wan, who sighed. "It is up to Anakin whether or not he wants you to know."

Luke growled in frustration. "Know what!?"

Anakin bit his lip and then slowly shook his head. Luke wasn't ready...not yet. As long as he still despised Vader, he wouldn't be trustworthy of Anakin once he found out the truth. Just a little while longer, then he could know.

Luke saw Anakin shake his head and slumped in disappointment. He dropped onto a nearby log and threw his head in his hands. "I never asked for any of this." He mumbled, much to Anakin's concern.

He walked towards the boy and put an arm around him, trying his best to comfort him. He looked at Obi-Wan in desperation. The ghost sighed, moving towards father and son and kneeling down. "I don't blame you for being angry. If I was wrong in what I did, it certainly wouldn't have been for the first time. You see, what happened to your father was my fault."

Anakin paused at that, looking at Obi-Wan with wide eyes. How could him falling to the Dark Side possibly be Obi-Wan's fault?

"Anakin was a good friend." Obi-Wan started sadly, piquing Luke's interest instantly. He sat ramrod straight, desperate to hear something about his father. Artoo came over as well, trying to offer his comforting presence. Luke smiled at the astromech and Anakin felt himself listening to the story as well.

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