Chapter 1 | minor editing |

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{Sierra POV}

(3 years later)

I curled in a ball, the sound of glass breaking in the kitchen sending shivers of fear down my spine. He had finally come home, probably drunk and covered in the blood of his last victim. It scares me. The way he kills without getting caught. He loudly stumbles around in the kitchen, growling to himself about slippery shoes. Finally, he calls out. "Dammit Sierra, wheeere are you?!" I freeze, not letting a sound passed my lips.

Everday, I still wonder what things would be like if I hadn't agreed to come. I wonder if he would've actually had the nerve kill me.


I sat up in bed, the headlights of a car flashing in my window. The small beaten up black car stopped in the driveway of the Woods house and sat painfully still for several seconds before the driver stepped out. Mr. Woods walked around to the other side and opened the door, mumbling something to the person inside. He smiled and moved out of the way as Jeff stepped out. They walked inside and that was that.

Jeff was finally home.

Later in the night, the only light that was on in the whole house was Jeff's bedroom light. His blind were pulled open, but I'm sure he didn't notice. I couldn't help but stare at him as he watched himself in the mirror. I couldn't tell what he was doing, as he was too far away to for me to read his emotions, but he appeared to be happy. His mouth seemed up turned and his eyes were wide. It didn't really seem that off putting until the red came.

It crimson. Just the same type of red as fresh blood. Jeff's eyes widened beyond the point of human capability. E was shaking back and fourth, or maybe he was laughing, but I really couldn't tell.

That's when his mother walked in. She stood shocked, her face pale. Her mouth twitched up into a smile and hand tightened around the handle to the bathroom. They had a small exchange and she left, closing the door behind her.

Nearly ten minuted passed before Jeff left the bathroom. I wished I knew what happend next, but the only thing that I could process was the faintest sound of Mr. Woods yelling out.

I'm a curious person, and it quickly led me to sneaking out my window and running across the street. The night was cold and the air was moist from an on coming storm. It wasn't long before I was at the door, hesitantly raising my hand to knock.

After knocking, nobody came. And nobody came when I knocked a second. Maybe I was just imagining it, I told myself. Turning around to leave, I find my self face-to-chest with a stained white jacket. It smelled distinctly of iron and cologne. A very familiar cologne, to be exact.

A hand wraps its way around my thoat, pushing me against the door. My eyes shift up only to be met with an icy blue void surrounded by encroaching burnt flesh. I'm not exactly sure how long I stared into his eyes, but it was long enough for my lack of breath to catch up to my vision.

Jeff growls as I grunt for breath, his head coming closer to my ear. "Be quiet or I'll be adding you to my growing pile of bodies."

His hand slowly releases from my throat, allowing me to take in a deep breath. He picks me, throwing me over his shoulder and reaching for the door handle. The front door swings open and he struts in, throwing me down on the couch before closing the door. He stomps over, quickly straddling me over the hips, a cold blade pressing against my neck. Jeff leans down, he knife slipping into the soft flesh. His cold and menacing voice filling my head.

"I give you two options, come with me, or die."

I gulp, accidentally shoving the knife further into my skin. He growls again.

"You're the only one here who loves me, and I don't wish to kill you. But I will if it's neccesary."

I whimper, trying to understand what the hell was happening. He grunts, practically shouting into my ear.

"Now Sierra, now. I need a fucking answer."

"I'll go." The words left my nouth without a second thought. I didn't get exactly what was happening when I said it, but I instantly knew I had done something wrong.

This, wasn't my Jeff. This, was a monster.

|end flashback|

I crawled to the bed as quietly as possible, acting asleep as he stumbled in. He drunkenly fell next to me, instantly asleep. His breath reeked of tequila and his once perfect white jacket was stained with another new layer of blood. I quietly sighed, not even bothering to wonder how a 19 year old was able to stand so much alcohol and wishing yet again that he had plunged the knife through my neck on that fateful night.

I woke up the next morning to the quiet grumble of Jeff as his hang over set it. I flung my legs over the bed and slid across the old wood floor of the apartment to the bathroom. I opened the cabinet, grabbed a bottle of Advil and got a glass from the kitchen. I walked back to the tiny bedroom and set it on the beaten and broken nightstand. I sat in a chair in the corner, sitting on my cold hands and waiting for his dreadful awakening.

No more than 3 minutes passed till he finally woke up. He scanned the room, finding the Advil before finding me. Luckily. He turned to me, took off his jacket, and through it at me. "Wash it." He stated firmly. I nodded and stood, walking to the kitchen and turning on the sink. I filled it with warm water and added soap, setting the jacket in and watching as the water turned a terrifying pink. I gently lifted it and scrubbed off what what would come off. I drained the sink and threw the jacket into the dryer. I walked back to the bedroom to find Jeff shirtless in front of the small mirror, his back scraped and clawed to shreds.

I covered my mouth. "J-Jeff...what happend..." He threw a fist through the wall.

"Its them...they want me to work with them again. I refused and they sent this. . .thing. . .after me."

I shook my head, sighing shakily. "The same people from a few years ago?" He nodded in frustration. A few minutes passed of silence before I took a hesitant breath. "Do we have to move again. . ." he punched the wall again, leaving a hole this time, and giving a growly response.

"Yes, but not as far this time. We need someplace we blend in better..."

"How? How are we going to be able to get somewhere better? This place is hard enough to keep as it is."

He turns to face me. "Don't try me, Sierra." I nod, hanging my head and leaving the room in fear.

Several hours later I sat on the couch next to Jeff. Close enough to not make him angry that I was avoiding him, but far enough that he wouldn't feel crowded. I looked at him, speaking softly. "The same ones as before?"

He nods. "But there were more. There was the faceless man in the suit, the little girl with the bear, the one in the orange jacket and the one with the white mask. But there was also one in a blue mask and black jacket. And a teenage kid. Looked about 17. Real twitchy and weird. He had orange goggles and this strange mouth guard thing. I think they were recruited or something. Like what they're trying to do to me. I don't get who'd wanna work with them...when I refused they sent this weird, humanoid creature after me. I couldn't get away and it jumped me. The faceless one pulled it off of me just in time and then they all just, disappeared." I nodded and yawned by accident. I froze, eyes wide as he looked at me. "Go to bed, I'm betting you didn't sleep last night." He stated. Despite his cold tone, I somehow new it was just because he was afraid to be thoughtful. His emotions made him angry and I can't do anything about it to help him.

With Jeff's watchful eyes on me, I slowly stand and walk off to the bedroom, a small sliver of me hoping he follows but too terrified to request it.


I apologize for the shortness of this chapter. I'm just working on story building and stretching the plot.

Listening to move along ~all american rejects and calendar ~panic! At the disco

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